Do you drink the Essiac herbs, or strain them out and throw them away?

You absolutely should drink the Essiac herbs rather than throw them away!

This is the exact method that Rene Caisse found to be best in the research she performed at the Brusch Medical Research Center from the years of 1959 through 1967. Rene Caisse compared Essiac made with whole herbs to Essiac made with powdered herbs that were powdered so finely you could drink them. Rene found that by straining out the herbs and throwing them away, the resulting product was far less effective.

It makes sense, doesn't it - anything that is powdered has better absorbability and potency due to the increased surface area. You can see a clip of Rene Caisse working with powdered herbs here.


By Throwing the Herbs Away, You Throw Away Much of the Beneficial Value of Essiac

Think about it - do those valuable herbs belong in your body, or in the trash? You can think similarly about if you eat a whole apple instead of just drinking apple juice. The whole apple contains fiber as well as more micronutrients that can serve your body well. You don't want to miss out on the benefit of whole food. This is one of the reasons why capsules are never as good as the real thing. Learn more about why fiber is so useful in the plants we ingest.

The Ojibway are the ones who taught Rene Caisse how to make Essiac tea, and in their culture nothing ever goes to waste. They took the time and effort to ground whole herbs into powder with grinding stones. Luckily, with modern technology many herb companies are able to supply powdered herbs. But the history is rooted in times where everything had to be done by hand. And that extra effort resulted in a superior product that lived on from generation to generation due to the results it produced. Learn more about the history of the Ojibway and Essiac tea here.


Woman holding a cup of Essiac tea without the herbs strained out


To be able to drink the herbs in your Essiac tea, you must start with powdered herbs that are fine enough to be consumed once boiled. Luckily for you, Genuine Essiac™ is made with those tyes of herbs - the same ones Rene Caisse used! Most of the Essiac tea companies you'll find sell you whole herbs or will recommend that you strain out the herbs - both things that were considered to be no-nos by Rene Caisse and her research team. The companies do this because they know that Essiac tea looks prettier and less intimidating when the liquid is strained and clear. However, you're taking this tea for the benefits, not for the aesthetics, right?


What to Do if the Texture of Essiac Tea with the Powdered Herbs Left Inside Bothers You

Not to worry - if the slight thickness of Genuine Essiac bothers you, it's fine to add as much water to each serving size as you would like to make sure the consistency is to your preference. You are even able to add unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice or stevia if you prefer. See a complete list of what you can and cannot add to Essiac here to improve the taste and texture. You can also check out this page about improving the taste of Essiac tea here.


➡️ Click here to purchase your own supply of Genuine Essiac™ made with powdered herbs


How to Store Your Freshly Brewed Essiac Tea

Once the tea is made and you have stored it in the fridge, we recommend using an open-topped container so that you can easily stir the mixture with a large spoon before pouring each serving. By doing this, you will ensure that each and every serving has some of the fine herb particles in it and that way you won't be left with a big clump at the end. If you choose to put your Essiac in multiple smaller containers rather than one big larger one, be sure the sediment is evenly dispersed among each container. Most gallon pitchers are taller than they are wide, so your best bet to save space in the refrigerator is to use a gallon pitcher, the same kind you would use to store iced tea.


PSA success story using Essiac tea



Order Some Genuine Essiac Tea Made From the Valuable Powdered Herbs Today

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our powdered Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere! And with no straining required, brewing the tea is super easy and quick!

6 month supply of Genuine Essiac tea
Buy Essiac Tea



All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.



Related Pages

Powdered Essiac versus the premade Essiac liquid: what's the difference?

Learn how to take Essiac tea

3 ways to change Essiac taste without changing the effectiveness

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