You Can Improve the Taste of Essiac With These Easy Tips

There Are Simple Ways to Make Essiac More Palatable - Even to the Most Finicky of People

Real Essiac has an earthy, grassy taste - some compare it to green tea. This tea was not created with taste in mind—it’s designed for results. Of course nobody wants to risk affecting the results of the tea based on altering it in a way that could take away from the results just to improve taste.

The good news is that, since you only have to take 3 oz. at a time in most cases (see serving size suggestions here) it's not a big deal if you don't love the taste. It's just a couple of swallows. That said, if you want to modify the taste to suit your preferences, you certainly can do so without taking away from the results at all.



No matter how you find the taste of Essiac the first few times, just about everyone gets used to it very quickly. If you can stick it out over the first couple of days, I promise—it gets so much easier! Many even say they develop an acquired taste for it (this happened to me!) I find that I crave it now if I go off it for a few days. When I first tried Essiac, I will be honest - I wasn't sure if I could do it. It seemed so very bitter to me. I later learned that Essiac tastes more bitter the more toxic you are - so the fact that I struggled at first makes a lot of sense in hindsight. As my body detoxed I quickly got used to the taste. At first, I decided to plug my nose to help me swallow it without tasting it, and then I would rinse my mouth out with orange juice. That helped take the edge off. I could have also tried adding the allowable things to the tea to modify the taste, and that is what I will share with you below.


Here are some things you can add to the tea in order to make it a more pleasant experience.

These substances should be added to the tea after it’s prepared according to instructions. Do not add anything to the tea while it’s brewing. This way you will be sure to keep the proper ratio of herbs maintained.

For example, once you have your normally prepared tea, you can pour your 3 oz. serving of Essiac. Then you can add, say, 3 oz. of orange juice. That means you’re now drinking a 6 oz. beverage that includes the 3 oz. of tea. It's critical that you are able to keep track of how much actual tea you are drinking before you add anything on top of that. In this way, you will preserve the efficacy of the tea. You are permitted to add as much fruit or vegetable juice as you need to suit your palate. 

You can also add as much water as you like to the Essiac tea if you have trouble with the consistency. The water will help dilute it. The reason the tea is thicker is that you will be leaving the powdered herbs in the Essiac just as Rene Caisse recommended. Due to that, you will always want to shake or stir your container before pouring your servings. This will ensure that you will get a balanced amount of herbs in each and every serving and you won't end up with a large amount to drink by the end of the batch.

➡️ Click here to purchase your Genuine Essiac tea right now, while it's on Sale

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Order Your Own Supply of Genuine Essiac Tea Right Now, While it's on Sale

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!

improving the taste of essiac
Buy Essiac Tea



All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.



  • Hi Corey,

    No, that is not true. The studies showing Essiac didn’t work on cancer were on 4-herb Essiac, not 8-herb (which is our formula). The studies showing Essiac made the cancer worse didn’t use enough Essiac to have made a difference. The studies where Essiac failed also didn’t provide Essiac for long enough. With flaws like this, it’s easy to understand why the “results” shown in some Essiac tea studies were not favorable. There are no other remedies and no treatments in the world that say if it doesn’t improve your health you get every dime back. You can read more about our Guarantee here.

  • Hi. Sorry to keep positing. I just read an article on web md that said in some cases Esiac Tea can actually “promote” cancer cell growth??? I hope to God this isn’t true. Can some elaborate on this.



  • Hi Maryann,

    Thank you for your email.

    Yes, Essiac tea is commonly used as a preventive.


  • Canthis tea be taken as preventative for cancer

  • Hi Laura, we don’t recommend taking kombucha at the same time as you take the tea because of the added cane sugar in most types. If yours has no sugar than it would be ok, but my impression is that most of them do. Natural fruit/vegetable juices are fine. You can have your kombucha one hour after your essiac though, no problem.

    Gina Paulhus

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