Our Genuine Essiac Wholesale Program Can Be a Game Changer For Your Business

Learn How to Become a Genuine Essiac™ Wholesaler - It's Easy!

Our organic Essiac wholesale program is popular worldwide - but there is still lots of room for it to grow! Now is a great time to be interested in Essiac wholesale since more and more customers are looking to purchase Essiac tea these days! The word is spreading, and it's definitely trending up.


When you carry Genuine Essiac in your store or clinic, those customers will continue to come back to order from you again and again. This is due to the great results they will experience using this Rene Caisse Essiac Tea. See Proof of Authenticity that we have Genuine Essiac.

It's 100% possible to offer great quality, affordable Essiac to your customers in convenient packaging and still make a healthy profit - as long as you choose the right supplier. Now is the time to research and make sure you choose wisely!

***We use the entire sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, in our formula!***

Genuine Essiac would love to be your go-to supplier if you're considering ordering Essiac Wholesale. We offer high-quality eight herb Essiac at a competitive wholesale price. 

➡️ Order Genuine Essiac Wholesale right now by clicking here.


Woman holding two wholesale packets of Genuine Essiac tea

When using Genuine Essiac as your wholesale supplier, you have 3 options:

  • Essiac Wholesale Option #1. You can purchase bulk Essiac from us, re-package it, and sell it for a higher price that is still fair to the end user.

  • Essiac Wholesale Option #2. You can purchase retail-ready packages complete with a label with instructions, but NOT our Business contact info (you can put yours on the other side if you like) of Essiac from us at a low cost and resell it at a fair price, all the while still leaving a workable profit for you.

4 wholesale packets of Essiac tea

  • Essiac Wholesale Option #3. You can purchase a retail-ready box that contains 3 packets apiece. It is positioned to be a more affordable alternative to Flor Essence powder, which comes in a similar box. However, the Flor Essence box contains only 2.2 oz. of herbs, while ours contains 6 oz. You'll be offering a much better value to your customers and clients.


Ultimate Essiac wholesale box containing 6 oz. of herbs

Order Genuine Essiac at Wholesale Prices Online Instantly by Clicking Here

See the Genuine Essiac Suggested Resale Prices along with Wholesale Prices

Here are suggested resale prices for Essiac along with our Essiac wholesale prices. Please keep in mind they are average US prices, and your specific area may run higher or lower. International resale prices will vary even further. You know your market best. Note: wholesale orders do not ship free, even for domestic orders.

  • 4 oz. sealed and labeled packet, $28. We charge: $9.45 (75 packet minimum).
  • 1 lb. sealed and labeled bag, $85. We charge: $29.95 (20 bag minimum)
  • 1 oz. sealed and labeled packet, $11. We charge: $3.45 (100 bag minimum).
  • 6 oz. Ultimate Essiac retail-ready box - contains three 2 oz. packets, $45. We charge: $24.95 (12 box minimum).
  • We also offer Bulk Essiac with 27.2 lbs. as a minimum at $27.95/lb. You can buy a 27.2 lb. bag (or several) here.
  • We don't require any paperwork from you to sign up for our Wholesale program.
  • All you need to do is place your first order online and meet our minimums listed above. You will select quantity of 1 to order the minimums or quantity of 2 to order twice that much. If you wish to order something in between, please contact us with your special request until we are able to upgrade to an even more customizable online cart.

You will pay for shipping for all Essiac Wholesale orders, and coupons cannot be used with Wholesale orders. Essiac Wholesale shipping prices vary based upon zip code. Contact us with your zip code (and country if international) for shipping quotes before ordering, or even faster - enter your address on your own with convenient online checkout and you'll see shipping costs for various options instantly. Wholesale orders are not eligible for coupons, since the price is already steeply discounted.


Stage 4 lymphoma Essiac tea testimonial

➡️ See Our Unbeatable Essiac Wholesale Pricing and Check Out Online Right Now By Clicking Here - No Business Documents Required


Profit Margins are Great with Wholesaling From Genuine Essiac Tea

Man holding wholesale packet of 1 oz. of Essiac tea


After looking at the suggested reselling prices, it's easy to see why resellers can purchase Essiac wholesale from us and make a healthy profit (even when dealing in small quantities if your business is just starting out). We started out really small, too! We understand and want to help. That's why we carry super low minimums for Wholesale orders. We have wholesale product in stock and ready to ship.

Flexible Opportunity: Our retail-ready products have "generic labeling" without our website or contact information so that your customers will return to you (not us!) when they need more. You may choose to add your company name with your own label on the other side. Full instructions are included on our labels. So much of the work is already done for you! If you prefer, you can order bulk 27.2 lb. bags and do the complete packaging yourself. It's all in how you want to grow it!


Tips on Choosing the Best Resale Price for Your Genuine Essiac Packets

Almost everyone who resells Essiac will sell some orders regardless of how they run their Essiac business, but there are 6 key factors to keep in mind in order to increase your potential for profit from Essiac resale:

  1. Sizes of packaging you offer. The smaller the size you sell Essiac, the higher price you can command per ounce.
  2. Type of packaging you offer. The more attractive and fancy your packaging is, the higher price you can command. Attractive, high-quality packaging with special features like re-sealable packets or colorful labels, especially for 4 oz. and up sizes, can command higher prices.
  3. The convenience you offer. Location, location, location! If you sell your Essiac out of health food stores or practitioner's clinics, you can usually charge more than you can if you sell Essiac on a website based on convenience and immediacy. However, selling on a website can work well too. On a website you benefit from a larger audience, especially if the website already has customers who buy other types of supplements. Customers also like to bundle purchases to increase their results as well as for more efficient ordering and shipping.
  4. If you don't have a health food store, clinic, or website, you can become the middleman by selling Essiac to people who do. People who already have a customer base will be eager to add another product to their line that their customers are hungry for. They just might not have had the time to research which Essiac brand is best.
  5. "What else" you have to offer. If you bundle Essiac with another health product or a health service, you will add value to your offerings, and perhaps gain an Essiac customer out of the arrangement. If you don't have a related product or service right now, propose the idea to someone who does, and become the middleman, supplying THEM with Essiac. Make it part of a detox package or healthy re-set!
  6. Cost of Living in Your Region. Typically regions near larger cities in affluent areas will enable higher pricing. Test pricing and see what works best.

We hope you see that the possibilities with order Genuine Essiac wholesale are endless! The keys to making this all work are:

  1. To have a great product (if no one will buy it, what's the use?), and
  2. To have a product that you can obtain at a low-enough cost such that you have room to mark it up sufficiently (this is what allows you to make a profit from your efforts).

With our Genuine Essiac wholesale program, both of those boxes are checked!! ➡️ Let's get you going!


Weighing powdered Essiac tea on a scale alongside a glass jar of Essiac tea

Would you like to place a Genuine Essiac Wholesale Order right now?

You can check out instantly online by clicking here. There are no wholesale accounts required and no business registrations or IDs asked. As long as you can meet the minimum order size, you're good to go.

If you prefer can send a PayPal or Credit Card/bank account transfer invoice (your preference - please let us know) for your Essiac wholesale order right to your email. Simply contact us with your order request as well as your full shipping name and address and we will get that invoice over to you ASAP. You will still be held to the minimums listed on this page. There are no accounts required to order- you can simply come back to this page to place your next wholesale order, or bookmark this link:

See Our Unbeatable Essiac Wholesale Pricing and Check Out Online Right Now By Clicking Here


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