Check Out Our Easy Essiac Brewing Instructions
It Only Takes 10 Minutes to Brew Essiac, and You Only Have to Do it Once Every Two Weeks
📺 Watch a 60 second video to see how it's made
With our Genuine Essiac™, you get your own freshly powdered herbs so that you can brew Essiac tea yourself and pay only 10% of what others pay for the same amount of premade Essiac. Not only will you save lots of money, but you will be getting a fresher and more effective product. When you brew Essiac yourself you'll know exactly what's in it and that it's free of additives and preservatives. This is exactly how Rene Caisse recommended the tea be prepared and used.
And the best part is, it takes just 10 minutes once every two weeks to brew Essiac tea! You can read more about the differences between premade Essiac and the kind you brew yourself here. All of the brewing and taking instructions appear on the labels of Essiac, too. We aim to make it easy for you!
Keep in mind, our brewing instructions are specific to Genuine Essiac. They aren't designed to be used with other brands that may contain different ingredients, different ratios of herbs, and different types of herbs (such as whole herbs, not the powdered kind that Rene Caisse used and recommended).
➡️ Order some Essiac tea for yourself today, while it's on Sale
Looking to Brew Essiac Tea Using the Metric System? Click here

Brewing Essiac Tea is as Easy as Boiling Pasta
It's not difficult or time-consuming to brew Essiac when you use powdered herbs, which is the method that Rene Caisse used and recommended. You can see her using powdered herbs in this video at the 20 minute mark. We include instructions for your convenience along with each order. Each packet of Essiac also has a label with instructions.
➡️ Learn how what type of packaging is best for you and how much Essiac you should buy at once by clicking here.
Some folks decide that they would prefer to buy the herbs separately and blend them themselves into their own Essiac. We don't recommend this, because even if you knew the correct ratio of the eight herb formula (this formula is not in the public domain) and also had access to the proper equipment and facilities to mix them thoroughly and in a sanitary fashion, you would still spend more money and time and have a larger margin of error than if you simply bought the pre-blended formula from us.
➡️ You can purchase our authentic Essiac Tea preblended for your convenience by clicking here. Get it now, while it's on Sale!

Let Us Buy the Essiac Herbs and Mix Them For You — It Just Makes More Sense
We sell such large quantities of herbs that we are able to get them supplied to us less expensively. This is good news for you, because it means you can have convenience AND a low price with no extra work on your part! We have put everything together for you and made it easy for so that all you have to worry about is remembering to brew your Essiac at home when you notice that you're running low. And since consistency is the most important part of taking Essiac, the ease of using our product will be a big help! We also offer an autoship savings of 10% for each of our product sizes, which means that you won't even have to remember to reorder if you don't want to.
Video: How to Brew Essiac Tea (It Takes Less Than 10 Minutes Once Every Two Weeks)
➡️ Watch How to Brew Essiac in Less Than 60 Seconds by clicking here.
Keep in mind, the goal is to make enough tea to last 2 weeks. The Essiac does not work better when it is made more often. On the contrary, best results occur when you follow the instructions to make the larger size batch as it reduces margin of error. Most people will be drinking 3 oz. three times per day, which means the gallon will last two weeks when one adult is using the Essiac.
You can watch a short video from Dr. Powell showing how Essiac tea is made here. You can also watch a longer form video here of Dr. Powell brewing Essiac tea and also explaining how it works in the body. Watch now (7 minutes).

Learn How Many Times Per Day It's Recommended to Take Essiac
Just as Rene Caisse recommended, we recommend that you take Essiac three times per day if your goal is to improve your health and 3 oz. twice per day if your goal is preventive or to maintain your present health. Click here for more detailed Essiac taking instructions.
Please note: Steps 1 and 2 will vary depending on if you plan to drink the tea twice per day or three times per day. Steps 3 thru 5 are the same regardless of how many times per day you'll take Essiac.
How to Brew a Gallon of Essiac (for the vast majority of adults who will choose to drink the tea at 3 oz. three times per day).
2-Week Supply for one adult when drinking Essiac 3 times per day
1. Bring 134 oz. (1 gallon plus 6 oz. to account for evaporation) of water to a boil and reduce to a moderate boil).

2. Add 4 oz. dry weight on a scale (113 grams) of the Essiac powder. If you purchased the 4 oz. (113 grams) packets you simply empty one into the bag. If you purchased a larger 1 lb. bulk bag, you will do best if weigh out the herbs. Please actually weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to ensure you have the correct amount (a very rough approximation of 4 oz. dry herbs - which weighs 113 grams - is 1 1/4 cups of herbs when using dry measurement cups instead of a kitchen scale. Feel free to use the measuring cups until you can get a scale. If you don't already have one, please visit our supplies page to order one. It much more precise to weigh than measure since the herbs settle at varying rates, which making measuring with cups far less accurate. Keep in mind that 4 oz. of liquid is not the same as 4 oz. of weight, so do not measure using measuring cups designed for liquid measure. You'll know it's a liquid measuring cup because it will have lines on the side indicating how many oz. the liquid is, and measuring cups for dry measure come in a set with varying sizes offered.
You can see recommended supplies as well as how to purchase an inexpensive kitchen scale here that will come in handy in order to brew Essiac tea.
How to Brew 2/3rds of a Gallon of Essiac (for the adults who drink the tea at 3 oz. twice per day).
2-Week Supply when drinking Essiac twice per day.
1. Boil 88 oz. of pure water in a large pot.
2. Add 2.67 oz. (75 grams) of the Essiac herbs blend. Please weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to ensure you have the correct amount. A rough approximation if you have to use dry measurement cups is a rounded 1/2 cup.
How to Brew a Quart of Essiac (For small children or small animals, or adults who drink the tea twice per day)
1. Boil 34 oz. of pure water in a large pot.
2. Add 1 oz. (28 grams) of the Essiac herbs blend. It's best to weigh the herbs, but a heaping 1/4 dry measurement cup is an estimate.
How to Brew a Pint of Essiac (For very small animals such as a cat)
1. Boil 20 oz. of pure water in a large pot.
2. Add 1/2 oz. (14 grams) of the Essiac herbs blend. It's best to weigh the herbs, but a heaping 1/4 dry measurement cup is an estimate. If you need a kitchen scale, you can find one on our supplies page.
Here are the rest of the instructions (for any of the different sized batches):
3. Turn the heat down to result in a moderate boil for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. You may keep a cover on the pan with just a bit of air exposed to reduce evaporation, but it's not necessary.

4. Turn the heat off and leave the Essiac tea sitting at room temperature for twelve hours. You may keep a cover on the pan if you like, but it's not necessary.
5. After the 12 hours have passed, stir the tea vigorously to disperse the remnants of the herbs throughout the mixture and pour it into a container of your choice. Open top containers work well for convenience when you need to stir the tea before pouring each serving to distribute the herbs that have settled. Refrigerate the tea. You can use any type of jar or pitcher that you'd normally use for iced tea.

Important - Do Not Strain the Herbs Out of Your Genuine Essiac Tea
- Leave the herb particles in the Essiac and consume them as you drink the tea. Because these are powdered herbs, you don't have to strain anything - the herbs are meant to be taken into the body as you drink the tea. The herbs increase the efficacy level of this tea. Rene Caisse herself recommended leaving the herbs in the tea. You can see her making powdered herbs in this video at the 20 minute mark.
- You can stir the container with a large spoon before pouring each serving in order to distribute the herbs so that you are able to drink some of the herbs each time, and that means there will be no herbs left at the end of the batch. You can try shaking the container, but stirring usually works best.
- Do not try to brew Essiac Tea to last more than two to three weeks in advance. Your Essiac will stay good for 2-3 weeks, but after that you should consider making a fresh batch of tea.
- If you find it difficult to drink Essiac straight, you may mix your Essiac Tea with all-natural fruit or vegetable juice. It's best to consume the Essiac as-is (cold). Heating it up risks overprocessing it. If you absolutely can't take the Essiac cold, you may leave a serving out on the counter at room temperature for an hour or so before drinking it.
- Always drink Essiac on an empty stomach. This means you need to avoid eating two hours before and one hour after drinking Essiac. Example: If you finish eating breakfast at 8am, you can have Essiac at 10am and then you can have a snack if you wish at 11am.
- Use your cell phone alarm to remind you when to take each serving. For Essiac purposes, “empty stomach” means no food 2 hours before taking Essiac and 1 hour after taking Essiac. Take Essiac with you in a thermos with a few ice cubes when you leave the house to make mid-day servings easy.
- If you must eat and take Essiac at the same time, that is much better than skipping your Essiac entirely. You can take black coffee, tea or any other beverage free of added sugar and protein, as well as any supplements or medications during the "empty stomach" time. You can even take other supplements that also must be taken on an empty stomach at the same time as your Essiac.
I can't reiterate this enough: Do not toss the herbs at the bottom of the container! They are to be consumed.
The herbs are an important part of this tea. There is supposed to be a thick layer of particles at the bottom after you have brewed Essiac (some describe it as "mud" or "sludge"). It's supposed to be a substantial amount of herbs and it's supposed to be thick and "goopy." You didn't do anything wrong! It's important to get some of these particles into your body during each and every serving. The most effective way to do this for most people is to use a large wooden spoon to stir the pitcher before pouring each serving. It's OK to leave the pitcher open while it's left in the fridge. You can leave the top entirely off. Stirring tends to work better than shaking especially when the pitcher is full.
Suggested Use:

Click here to learn how to take Essiac Tea according to Rene Caisse's specifications.
Order Your Own Supply of Essiac Right Now, While it's on Sale
Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time — we sell enough to last months at a time, which saves you a ton of money.
It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac — the best price you'll find anywhere!
Click here to purchase your own supply of Genuine Essiac today.
All orders come complete with easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.
This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.
Related Pages
How to brew Essiac tea in Metric
Ways to change the taste of Essiac
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