What You Need to Know about Isoflavones in Red Clover and Estrogen
The Facts About Essiac Tea, Red Clover and Estrogen Receptor-Positive Cancers
It's critical that you read this article about Essiac and red clover before you make a decision on whether or not to try Essiac Tea. The amount of misinformation out there from those who are so-called "experts" is astounding, and it's important that you use knowledge and science to protect yourself. We will present information here from a variety of trusted sources so that you can make an informed decision.
The video above explains why eight herb Essiac Tea is not contraindicated for anyone who is dealing with estrogen receptor-positive as well as estrogen receptor-negative cancers. On the contrary, it is a remarkable blend that could be a great addition to your regimen. In a recent study, genistein was demonstrated to inhibit breast cancer stem-like cells by down-regulating Hedgehog-Gli1 signaling pathway. These findings provide support and rationale for investigating the clinical application of genistein in treating breast cancer, and specifically by targeting breast cancer stem cells.1
➡️ Click here to purchase your own supply of Genuine Essiac tea right now, while it's on Sale
Rene Caisse First Learned About Essiac Tea From...a Breast Cancer Patient!
Did you know that Essiac tea was actually discovered due to its positive effects on Breast Cancer? The very first patient Rene Caisse worked with was a breast cancer patient. She was patient zero when it comes to Essiac and is the whole reason why so many people worldwide use Essiac today. You can watch a video of Rene Caisse's story here.

Learn the Difference Between Estrogen-Replacement Therapy and Isoflavones Found Naturally in Food Products
Red clover is one of the herbs in Essiac Tea. It also just so happens to be a rich source of isoflavones. Many people wonder why isoflavones are important, and also if there can be harm with their use.
According to Gregory Burke, MD, Isoflavones are compounds that mimic the beneficial effects of estrogen - with less risks. This is because estrogen-replacement therapy raises the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, but isoflavones found in the diet such as those found in soy do not (Dr. Burke is the professor and director of public health sciences at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina). It appears that the effects in the body are dose-dependent, meaning that the optimal amount should be consumed in order to yield the best outcomes. Essiac tea is formulated with the appropriate amount of isoflavone to maximize the body's health. One 2007 Dutch study found that high plasma levels of genistein were
associated with a 32% reduction in breast cancer risk. 2 3
Learn More About Isoflavones in Food and Their Benefit to the Body
Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic mentioning how isoflavones in food such as soy are not sufficient to cause breast cancer, and in fact a lifelong diet including such foods actually reduces breast cancer. Read the article from the Mayo Clinic (Red clover is an herb, which is considered a food, and contains the isoflavone Genistein). You can also read about how soy isoflavones can potentially help the with cancer in this study. 4

You can read the entire study discussing soy isoflavone benefits here.
Learn About Genistein, the Phytochemical in Red Clover, and It's Action in the Body
The concentration of Genistein, which is the phytochemical in red clover inhibits the estrogen receptors in tumors. This make the estrogen in your body unable to compete with said receptors. Genistein has also been shown to be of clinical significance in targeting the stem cells in breast cancer. In this way red clover can be protective. 5
When it Came to a Personal Decision About My Own Health, I Choose Essiac
This topic is personal for me - I took Genuine Essiac myself when doctors found a lump in my breast. Because my aunt had Breast Cancer in her 30s, I knew I was at a higher risk. I was fortunate that the lump was found to be benign, but I had total faith that Essiac tea was a great option and I jumped on the Improvement of Health regimen when I got the news that there might be something wrong. You can see that we have more Breast Cancer testimonials than we do any other type of cancer in our list of success stories. That tells you a lot!
Our Money Back Guarantee Instills Confidence to Your Purchase
Think about it — why would on earth would we offer a Money Back Guarantee that your health will improve when using this product if there were anything in it at all that could be harmful? The answer is that we would never do that to our customers and to our business. Let's dive into this a bit more below.
Learn What Would Happen if We Took the Red Clover Out of Our Essiac Formula
The first problem with taking red clover out is that herbs in Essiac Tea function in a synergistic manner. In other words, when the herbs in Essiac are taken together in the specific ratio, they have a different effect in the body than they would have if they were taken one herb at a time. The synergistic benefit is lost when even one herb is missing.
7 herb Essiac just wouldn't be the same! And of course 4 herb Essiac wouldn't be, either. 8 herb Essiac has the same 4 herbs as the original 4 herb Essiac, but also has 4 additional herbs that are designed to enhance the effectiveness. This is the eight herb formula that Rene Caisse endorsed and the one that she found worked best in her research. And it's called Genuine Essiac™ today.
None of the 4 herb Essiac blends offer the Money Back Guarantee that we do. The serving size of 4 herb Essiac is 2 oz, and the serving size of 8 herb Essiac is 3 oz. The extra oz. is for the additional 4 herbs, so you're not missing out on anything about the original 4 herb tea with the 8 herb one. You're getting the exact same amount of the original 4 herbs in that blend.

The second problem with taking the red clover out is that red clover is one of the most powerful ingredients in this formula. As mentioned in the video at the top of this page, you don't want to miss out on the beneficial isoflavones present in red clover. The product works so well that we are able to offer our 6 Month Money Back Results Guarantee. Read more about Our Guarantee here.
We really hope this information helps your confidence in Genuine Essiac! Our goal is to provide you with a safe, effective Essiac Tea blend that comes directly from Rene Caisse's recommendations. We have proof of that right here on our site. We are just a phone call away if you want to talk to someone about using Essiac tea if you have an estrogen sensitive cancer. You may contact us by phone 7 days per week.

Order Your Own Supply of Genuine Essiac Today.
Breast cancer is the #1 type of cancer we receive testimonials for.
Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time — we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.
It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac — the best price you'll find anywhere!
Click to order your supply of Essiac Tea today.
All orders come complete with easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.
This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.
1 Binding of Red Clover Isoflavones to Actin as A Potential Mechanism of Anti-Metastatic Activity Restricting the Migration of Cancer Cells. Grażyna Budryn, Joanna Grzelczyk and Horacio Pérez-Sánchez. Molecules 2018, 23(10), 2471; https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules23102471.
2 Breast Cancer & the Environment Research Centers: Early Life Exposure to the Phytoestrogen Genistein and Breast Cancer Risk in Later Years. Fact Sheet on the Phytoestrogen Genistein.
3 Plasma phytoestrogens and subsequent breast cancer risk. J Clin Oncol. Martijn Verheus, H van Gils C, Keinan-Boker L, Grace P, Bingham S, Peeters P. 2007 Feb 20;25(6):648-55. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2006.06.0244
4 Intake of Soy, Soy Isoflavones and Soy Protein and Risk of Cancer Incidence and Mortality. Yahui Fan, Wang M., Li Z. et al. Front Nutr. 2022; 9: 847421. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.847421
5 Genistein decreases the breast cancer stem-like cell population through Hedgehog pathway. Stem Cell Res Ther. Panhong Fan, S. Fan, H. Wang, et al. 2013;4(6):146. doi: 10.1186/scrt357.
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