Essiac Tea with Sheep Sorrel Root is the Authentic Kind of Essiac
Only Purchase Essiac Tea with Sheep Sorrel Root. Here's why.
You can buy Essiac tea from so many companies today, but know that a lot of them are missing a very important thing - the sheep sorrel which includes the root. Rene Caisse, the Canadian woman credited with bringing Essiac to the greater public, stated that the most important herb in the Essiac formula was in fact the entire plant of the sheep sorrel. No part could be thrown away.
This logic comes directly from the Ojibway people. An old Ojibway medicine man taught Rene Caisse the Essiac formula, and in their culture, nothing was ever thrown away. Rene adopted this reasoning as she began to help spread the use of Essiac tea through her occupation as a Nurse.
As Rene Caisse began to undergo formal research on Essiac tea, she learned that the sheep sorrel root had to be included in the right proportion for maximum efficacy - the root had to consist of 20% root of the entire plant. You see, if the Essiac doesn't contain the sheep sorrel with the root in this precise ratio, the tea won't be nearly as effective. The sheep sorrel root provides that bit of extra magic. Rene Caisse knew that the Essiac with the sheep sorrel root far outperformed other varieties and that is the very same Essiac formula that we carry here today at Genuine Essiac.
➡️ Click here to order your supply of Genuine Essiac™ tea that contains the sheep sorrel root right now, while it's on Sale

The problem is, commercial herb suppliers don't carry sheep sorrel with the root included. We ended up having to arrange for a private grower in Arkansas to grew sheep sorrel with the root included for us in order to obtain it. This costs more, of course, but it's worth it to create a superior product.
We are committed to producing our Essiac with all of the essential components included, so we took the necessary steps to make it happen. With our brand, you are getting the same exact product that Rene Caisse researched, used and recommended: Essiac tea with sheep sorrel root. And your health will thank you for it!

We Never Compromise - Our Essiac Always Has and Always Will Contain the Sheep Sorrel Root.
We have been in the industry for over 30 years and specialize in Essiac. We simply cannot afford to sell anything but the absolute best, as our entire business depends upon it!
That is why our all of our Essiac contains the sheep sorrel root, just as Rene Caisse learned and advised. The formula that she found to work the very best through her reseach contained the sheep sorrel root and that is the same formula we use at Genuine Essiac today. You can see our letter of authenticity here. And because of that, we are the only Essiac tea company that is able to offer a Money Back Results Guarantee. We also have a Price Match Guarantee to provide you with the confidence that you are getting the best possible deal on your Essiac purchase.
Your search is over! You have found Genuine Essiac tea with Sheep Sorrel Root.
Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time — we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.
It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac — the best price you'll find anywhere!

Purchase your own supply of Essiac Tea with sheep sorrel roots included today.
All orders come complete with easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.
This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.
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