10 Essiac Myths and Misconceptions... Busted!

The Essiac Myths You Will Encounter Makes Using Essiac Tea Unnecessarily Confusing.

Unfortunately, much of the controversy that surrounds the use of Essiac Tea is due to the large amount of misinformation that exists online. There are countless companies selling counterfeit or outdated versions - it’s so hard to know who to believe!

In this article you’ll learn what to look for to determine if the Essiac Tea you're considering buying is legitimate or not. Once you get your hands on some Genuine Essiac™, the world is your oyster! Please don't let the common Essiac myths that are out there get in the way of you ordering real Essiac tea at an affordable price.



For those who are unfamiliar with Essiac, the most potent and up-to-date Essiac Tea formula is made from boiling a combination of eight powdered herbs mixed in a specific ratio.

Rene Caisse researched Essiac tea over the years and was able to determine the most effective formula. You can read more about eight herb Essiac and it's benefits here. The four herbs that were added to the original four were designed to enhance the effectiveness of the original four, and because the serving size grew to account for the extra herbs, you are not missing out on a thing when you use eight herb Essiac. You can learn more about this in the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas.


essiac myths


The herbs in Genuine Essiac Tea are:

  • blessed thistle
  • burdock root
  • kelp
  • red clover
  • turkish rhubarb root
  • slippery elm
  • sheep sorrel (including the roots)
  • watercress

 🌿 You can read more about each of the amazing Essiac tea ingredients on this page.


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Taking Essiac is a waste of time and money if it's not the “real deal.” When you use the Genuine Essiac product, you will enjoy an immune system boost and a gentle full body detox complete with blood cleansing. Read on for more details on the Essiac myths and misconceptions we hear all the time - and you will also learn the actual truth!



Essiac Myth #1. All Essiac Tea is the Same

There are two generations of Essiac Tea formulas. The first generation “original” Essiac Tea formula consists of four herbs. From the years of 1922 to 1967 the original formula was your best option for Essiac Tea. However, ever since 1967, the second generation “advanced” eight herb Essiac Tea formula is considered to be the best choice by those in-the-know.

This advanced eight herb Essiac formula was developed through extensive research performed in Cambridge Massachusetts at the Brusch Medical Research Center from the years of 1959-1967 by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch. The book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas chronicles the entire history of the two main Essiac Tea formulas. This book features documents and photographs that clearly show that the advanced eight herb formula was determined to be the most effective by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch.

📺 Watch a film about Rene Caisse's life and mission to bring Essiac tea to the greater public here.


essiac tea myths

Essiac Myth #2. The Original Canadian Trademarked Formula is The Best Formula.

📺 Watch this video about the Original 4 herb formula and why it's not your best bet today.

Since the Canadian trademark is associated with the less effective original four herb formula, the company with that trademark employs a deceptive marketing scheme to steer people away from purchasing the advanced eight herb formula instead. The scheme involves a warning that advises people to be careful not to buy any Essiac Tea that isn’t trademarked (since, according to them, the trademark is the only guarantee that you have the original four herb formula).

While it is true that the original four herb formula is trademarked in Canada, the only guarantee that the trademark offers is... that you are purchasing an outdated formula. Their warning falsely implies that the original formula must be the best formula - otherwise, why would they be issuing a warning like this?

This marketing ploy misleads people into considering only the trademarked version when purchasing Essiac Tea and is designed to scare people away from the better choice, which is the eight herb formula. If you read their warning carefully you will notice they use clever wording to confuse you. Their warning states that all other Essiac Tea providers are counterfeit and making false claims “...if they tell you they are selling the Original Essiac from Canada.” They conveniently leave out the fact that companies with the eight herb formula actually try to distance themselves from the inferior four herb formula and have no desire to sell it.

Unfortunately, in the absence of this knowledge, the consumer is left with the impression that all others are desperately trying to link to the original formula so it must the best, when in fact, the exact opposite is true. 

Essiac Myth #3. The Most Up-to-Date Essiac Formula Was Disclosed to the Public.

Many companies offer formulas that they claim are the result of an authentic formula being disclosed to the public. This false claim allows companies to enter into the loosely regulated world of Essiac Tea distribution without having an actual connection to Rene Caisse or Dr. Charles Brusch, who were the only ones who knew the most up-to-date formula derived from the research. You can see Genuine Essiac's connection to that formula here.

Companies with credible links will not only substantiate their link to the genuine formula but also offer Essiac Tea in the most effective powdered form. Even though the herbs used in Essiac Tea are known by many, the actual ratios of the authentic formulas are known by only a handful of people. Always ask the company you are purchasing Essiac from to prove how they got the formula before you trust them. You can see Rene Caisse working with powdered herbs in this video clip.

➡️ Click here to buy your own supply of Genuine Essiac right now, while it's on Sale!


essiac misconceptions


Essiac Myth #4. You Don’t Need Powdered Herbs.

Essiac Tea must be powdered in order get every part of the herbs into your body. Essiac Tea was originally a medicinal remedy used by the Ojibwa who believed that herbs were gifts from God. As a way of honoring all of God’s gifts, everything from the Earth was completely utilized. Wasting any part of these gifts was thought to offend God. In Ojibway culture, no part of any animal was wasted and no part of any herb was thrown away. This is why they used grinding stones to pulverize the herbs into fine particles which remained in the tea, much like orange juice pulp. By doing so, the herbs could be consumed in their entirety. Furthermore, powdered herbs increases the absorbability of Essiac Tea.

To this day, the same powdering process used by the Ojibwa is still the best way to prepare and naturally ingest Essiac Tea in the way that nature intended. Rene Caisse went on to prove it in her research. While Essiac capsules, tinctures and pre-made liquids that contain no powder all sound appealing, they lose some effectiveness when compared to making Essiac Tea with fresh powdered herbs.

Essiac Myth #5. You Need to Stop Essiac if You Decide to Do Chemo.


Nothing could be further from the truth! Essiac Tea users consistently report feeling better going through chemo while on Essiac Tea, and Essiac tea is compatible with chemotherapy. Essiac Tea can be taken every day for many years with no need to take breaks or stop due to any circumstances.


essiac tea misconceptions

Essiac Myth #6. Essiac is Only For Those Who Are Already Sick

Essiac Tea is one of the best things you can take for your health! Many healthy people take Essiac Tea simply to maintain things or as a preventive "insurance" policy of sorts. Essiac Tea is a gentle detox that can be used every day and improves intestinal health over time. When the intestinal walls remain and clean and pristine, you will better absorb the nutrients from your food. This is why most people report higher energy levels and better overall health while using Essiac. Once you feel the benefits, you aren't going to want to go without it! 

Essiac Myth #7. You Need To Store Essiac In Amber Bottles

Another unethical scheme employed by some companies is the suggestion to store brewed Essiac Tea in amber bottles in order to protect the tea against the harmful effects of light exposure. Before you fall for this Essiac myth, consider that Essiac Tea is stored in your refrigerator after brewing - where it's dark! This scare tactic is immensely effective in getting people to spend extra money on useless amber bottles that companies “just so happen” to sell along with the Essiac Tea. What a coincidence ;)


essiac tea myths and misconceptions


Essiac Myth #8. The Latest "Must-Have" Makes the Formula Better

If a company tries to replace any of the eight herbs we have listed with a different herb that they claim is more effective, stay far, far away. The same goes for any company that says their Essiac works best because there is an additional herb added to their blend. This is another clever marketing ploy designed to separate you from your dollars by asking you to pay more for their "special" Essiac with the added ingredients. Essiac works amazingly well as a stand-alone product. There is no need to add extra herbs to it.

Essiac Myth #9. You Should Strain the Essiac Herbs Before Consuming the Tea

As mentioned earlier, Essiac Tea is pulverized into a fine powder in order to allow for the ingestion of the herbs in their entirety. By consuming herbs in their entirety, you are getting the maximum potential out of them. The herbs should not be strained out. Simply put, the herbs work a lot better in your stomach than strained out and thrown in the trash.

Essiac Myth #10. You Should Drink Essiac Hot

Essiac Tea is most effective when consumed cold. Many people mistakenly assume that you can drink a cup of Essiac tea the same way you would drink a cup of hot tea. Unfortunately, reheating Essiac Tea just before drinking it can significantly reduce its potential due to overprocessing - in other words, when you reheat it you are essentially "cooking" it twice. Don't do it!

essiac rumors


Keep in mind—there is a difference between what “sounds” credible and what is the actual truth. Armed with these 10 Essiac myth-busters you will be in a good position to choose wisely next time you order Essiac tea.

In Need of Some Genuine Essiac?

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time — we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac — the best price you'll find anywhere! We are the only Essiac tea company to back your purchase with our Results Guarantee.

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Buy Essiac Tea

Check out our Essiac Tea selection right now.


All orders come complete with easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.


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