The Story of Rene Caisse and Essiac Tea

The Rene Caisse Story is Truly One to Behold.

Rene Caisse Essiac Tea is Superior to Other Blends, and Genuine Essiac Has it

This Rene Caisse Documentary covering Rene Caisse's story was filmed in the 1970s and was produced in Canada. It's about the life and career of Rene Caisse and her work with Dr. Charles Brusch, who is the man who passed the formula along to the Paulhus family. 

At around the 22:00 minute mark of this video, you will see Dr. Brusch, the man who helped further the scientific research on this heralded formula. 

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rene caisse story


All Essiac is Not the Same: You Need Rene Caisse Essiac

Most of the Essiac products you'll see out there contain only four herbs: sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark, and Turkish rhubarb root. What most people don't know is that the four-herb formula is just a smaller version of the eight-herb formula that Canadian nurse Rene Caisse found worked best in her research. It's an outdated formula and one that Rene had stopped using once she discovered that the eight herb formula was superior. You can learn more about the research that's a big part of the Rene Caisse story here.

The Rene Caisse Essiac story began decades ago when Nurse Caisse heard about an herbal recipe from an elderly patient who was in an Ontario hospital where she worked as head nurse. The recipe was given to that patient years before by an Ojibway medicine man. He had offered his help to her at the time because he knew she was suffering from breast cancer. The patient recovered from her cancer and remained cancer free for the next 30 years. In 1922 she went ahead and gave Rene Caisse the recipe after Rene expressed her interest in attempting to help others who had cancer by administering this special herbal formula. 


Did you know? "Essiac" is the name "Caisse" spelled backwards.


Rene Caisse had reason to use this recipe two years later on her aunt who was battling stomach and liver cancer. After using Essiac, Rene's aunt recovered and lived another 21 years. She didn't die of cancer, she passed away simply of old age. After seeing these miraculous results, Rene and her aunt's doctor began experimenting with the herbal tea together and began conducting research using mice. The doctor, R.O. Fisher, began giving Essiac to his terminally ill patients, and some improved greatly. This information is documented in the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas.



The Scientific Research on the Essiac Tea formula by Rene Caisse Continues

Rene and Dr. Fisher began to modify the formula as they proceeded on with their research. One of the things they tested was they injected the sheep sorrel and administered the other herbs orally. This was of note because the Ojibway medicine man and his people never injected anything - they had simply prepared tea and taken it by mouth. However, Rene had committed to conducting formal research on the formula in hopes that she could improve the tea's efficacy even further. During this research, it was discovered that only one herb could be injected - and that it had to be into the muscle, not into the veins. This was a painful procedure, and many, due to their emaciated state, had hardly any muscles left in order for the injections to be feasible.

Nonetheless, this partial-injection method was used for some years and there were some successes that were documented in stories about this formula. However, there were failures too, as many sufferers were so ill that they had little time left. In others, the disease had damaged vital organs beyond repair.

As research continued, the Essiac formula continued to be tweaked and modified according to study results. In 1959, Rene Caisse ventured to the Brusch Medical Clinic in Cambridge, Mass. to join Dr. Charles Armao Brusch, MD. She became partners with Dr. Brusch with the intent of forming the "Rene Caisse Cancer Research Foundation." This would have been a charitable foundation which would have the purpose of utilizing this treatment for cancer in humans. Rene and Charles Brusch remained partners, co-developers and co-owners until her death in 1978 at the age of 91. We owe what Essiac is presently today to these two and their work. 


rene caisse essiac tea success story



The Next Part of the Rene Caisse Story: Dr. Brusch Further Developed the Essiac Formula Into What it is Today

Dr. Brusch, who had been President Kennedy's personal physician, had developed an interest in natural forms of healing years ago. His objective was always prioritizing the "well-being" of the patient at all costs, which made him a pioneer of sorts in the age of modern medicine. He had been the one to set up the very first acupuncture clinic that existed for research purposes. This clinic was operating right in his medical clinic when Rene Caisse arrived in 1959.

Dr. Brusch was the first doctor in the Western hemisphere to initiate a plan similar to Medicare within his clinic to aid those without money in receiving medical help. He was keenly interested in herbs and in their power to heal, which he first learned about from a long-time friend, a master herbalist based out of Missouri.

The objective at Dr. Brusch's clinic was to prove the merits of this simple, non-toxic herbal formula called Essiac. The formula had already been used with great success on so many terminally ill patients - but Dr. Brusch wanted to do even better. Rene Caisse and Dr. Brusch began their research on the Essiac using oral treatment only. No other medication was used and the herbs were given on an empty stomach.

In the hope of identifying the active ingredient, they experimented with variations of solutions to be injected, with each vial containing a different herb. During the process they failed to isolate one single herb as being the difference-maker, proving that results are obtained synergistically though the unique combination of the eight essiac herbs combined in the correct proportions. It was proven that oral use was just as good as using injections, which was great news because the oral use was much more practical for patients.

What a story, huh! It's easy to see now how impactful Rene Caisse was bringing forward momentum to the widspread use of Essiac tea. It's also easy to see why Rene Caisse Essiac is the only type you want - and Genuine Essiac has it! See our Proof of Authenticity.



You Can Purchase Your Own Supply of Rene Caisse Essiac Tea Right Now

When you purchase Genuine Essiac, you are getting the absolute best herbal formula for your health out there. It's so good we even have a Money Back Results Guarantee!


Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time — we sell enough to last months at a time, which — saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac — the best price you'll find anywhere!

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Buy Essiac Tea

Check out our Essiac Tea selection.


All orders come complete with easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.


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The story about how the Paulhus family were taught the Rene Caisse formula

The amazing Essiac tea benefits you have to feel to believe

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