Learn How One Traveler Didn't Miss a Serving of Genuine Essiac While on her Cruise

This blog post was submitted by our valued customer, Janet and lightly edited for clarity. The ideas put forth are merely ideas, and your situation and needs may be different. We cannot guarantee you will have the same experience, and all cruise lines are different.


"I just returned from an 11 day cruise and wanted to share my "tea" routine. 

I contacted the NCL cruise line to see if I could bring my homemade tea in a gallon - they told me NO - has to be commercially made and sealed.  I wasn't going to buy someone else's brand of Essiac that was already made so here is what I did. It's not the exact way I would have done it at home, but I felt good knowing that I wasn't skipping 11 days of goodness.  


Supplies for Preparing Geniune Essiac on my Cruise

  • 32 oz. stainless steel cup with a plastic lid for drinking (I already had this and didn't want to buy new).
  • Purchased the small 1 quart packages for ease of use.
  • Small measuring cup.
  • Long wooden spoon for stirring.
  • smaller 18 oz. stainless drinking cup with solid cover.


  • I drove to the cruise terminal.
  • I put tea from home in the small 18 oz. stainless cup and put it in my carry on.
  • Security let me pass through with no issue. 

Upon boarding

  • I emptied the small bag of herbs to make a quart into my 32 oz cup (I couldn't add the extra ounces of water).
  • I went to the buffet and put hot water into my cup and stirred to mix the herbs but not too long as I didn't want to lose the heat.
  • I went back to my cabin and put the cup with the plastic lid on inside a 1 gallon ziploc bag and covered the plastic lid with a face cloth to minimize heat loss. I zipped up the bag and placed my brewing tea inside an insulated cooler bag that we brought along for excursions.
  • I let it sit for 12 hours.
  • At the 12 hour mark, I unwrapped my 32 oz. tea (it was still warm) and put it in the little fridge in the cabin with the lid off as I needed the tea to get cold.
  • When it was TEA TIME, I stirred to mix the herbs then measured out the ounces in my small measuring cup.
  • I made a new batch as needed.

Shore excursions

I poured what I needed into the 18 oz. stainless cup to take with me if the excursion was long. 


I took enough home in my stainless cup as I had to brew a fresh gallon at home.


Thank you for all you do and share."



Order your Own Supply of Essiac Tea Today

3 oz. serving of Essiac tea alongside four packets of herbs


buy essiac tea


Purchase your own supply of Essiac Tea while it's on Sale by clicking here.


All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.



Related Pages

How to Brew Essiac Tea One Cup at a Time

Learn all about the eight ingredients found in Essiac tea

Check out our awe-inspiring Essiac tea Testimonials

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