Latest Book Release to Feature Genuine Essiac - My Journey to Wellness by Eve McLain - Newsom

About this book:

I invite you to join me on my Cancer fighting Journey. I've been 'living' with Cancer for over 16 years, and I'm sharing the Products and Protocols I've used along the way. I'll also be sharing both my trials and tribulations, as well as my observations and what I've learned about Cancer as a Patient and layperson. Genuine Essiac was a significant part of my healing journey.

-Eve McLain-Newsom

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

➡️ Purchase My Journey to Wellness on Amazon.

Order Some Genuine Essiac Tea Right Now

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!
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Buy Essiac Tea

All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.


  • Essiac tea is mentioned as something she took. The book is 32 pages, very specific to skin cancer. I applaud her sharing her story, but it might have been better as a blog.

    Ellen Berg
  • Hi Sara,

    You can purchase this book on Amazon.

  • Where do I find this book??

  • Hi Konstintinos,

    The articles that mention tumors grow more are based on flawed research. We offer a Money Back Guarantee that your health will improve by the six month mark of using Essiac. Hopefully that will help assure you.


  • Hi Konstintinos,

    The articles that mention tumors grow more are based on flawed research. We offer a Money Back Guarantee that your health will improve by the six month mark of using Essiac. Hopefully that will help assure you.



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