How to Eat While Using Essiac

If You Don't Follow the Empty Stomach Rules, Your Essiac Results Will Be Less than Optimal


If you are wondering about whether or not you need to follow a special diet while using Essiac Tea, the answer is no. You can learn more about diet suggestions and Essiac tea by clicking here. However, there are still some tips on how to eat while using Essiac that you should know about.


how to eat while using Essiac


To start with, I want to emphasize that eating healthy is always a good idea! Keeping a low sugar diet as well as a diet abundant in organic fruits and vegetables and healthy fats is a great idea and very smart.

At the same time, we have heard countless success stories from folks who didn't change their diet at all and still had an amazing outcome. There is no special diet required when you follow Essiac Tea, other than that you need to take Essiac Tea on an empty stomach.

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What Do You Mean By an Empty Stomach?

In terms of Essiac, this means no food 2 hours before Essiac and no food until 1 hour after you've taken Essiac. For an example, if you finish lunch at 12pm you could have Essiac if you wanted to at 2pm (that way you had lunch 2 hours before), and then you could have a snack at 3pm (one hour after Essiac).

Worried you won't get enough to eat? Don't be! This sample schedule will show how you can get three meals and three snacks if you want to and still pull it off. It will take a little bit of discipline, but it's certainly achievable. Once you settle into a routine, it's a snap.

Sample Eating Schedule When Using Essiac Tea

6:30am Wake up, Take Essiac

7:30am Have Breakfast, finish by 8am

10:00am Snack

12:00pm Take Essiac

1:00pm Have Lunch, finish by 1:30pm

3:00pm Snack

5:00pm Have Dinner, finish by 5:30pm

7:30pm Take Essiac

8:30pm Snack


There are a lot of other ways you can break it down, but this is a sample of how to eat while using Essiac to give you an example day.


Using an Alarm System

It might be easier if you set an alarm to go off 1 hour after you take Essiac. Once it goes off you can eat again. Then you could set an alart for 2 hours after you complete eating. When it goes off you can take Essiac again. This way, you will be able to follow the guidelines without a second thought.


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What You Can Have During the "Empty Stomach" Time

You are permitted to have black coffee, plain tea, herbal tea, supplements, and medications during the "empty stomach" time, as well as as much water as you like. You can even add natural fruit and/or vegetable juice to your Essiac if you prefer! None of that affects the results from the tea. You can see a full list of what is/isn't allowed to mix with Genuine Essiac by clicking here.


I hope this clarification about how to eat while using Essiac is helpful!


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Order Some Genuine Essiac Tea Right Now While it's on Sale

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!

how to eat while using essiac tea
Buy Essiac Tea


Click to order Essiac today, while it's on Sale. All orders ship free to anywhere in the US.


All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.



  • Hi Albina,

    Thank you for your email.

    You can see all the testimonies of skin cancer here:

    Essiac is known as being a great preventive.


  • Does this tea help individuals who have had skin cancer? Will it help to prevent a recurrence of this cancer?

    Albina Grignon
  • I had rectal cancer operation June 20 2023.Refused chemo and radiation. Started Essias TEA Aug 1st. No cancer at 6 months and none today June 20 2024. Doc doesn’t want to see me for 3 years! I can’t think of any reason to se him!
    I’ll just take my Essiac Tea.

  • Hi Tamera,

    You may see our suggestions on giving Essiac to dogs on our pet page:


  • I am going to be using this for my doggie. What is your suggestion for me to be able to get her to take this without food it seems like almost impossible

    Tamera Higgins

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