Ever Wonder Why Essiac Tea Has a Slippery Texture?

The Slippery Elm Bark in Essiac Tea is the Reason Behind the Slippery Texture of Essiac

A lot of our customers have asked us, "Why does my Essiac get a little bit slippier or slimier in the fridge? Or why does one batch seem little bit slippier than the other?" Slippery elm bark, as the name implies, is the reason why your herbs are slippery. 



Slippery elm bark is traditionally used in a lot of cough medicine, cough drops, anything that can be used to soothe the throat. That nice slippery texture is really soothing. And in that same way, that slipperiness can really really help our digestive tract. Our digestive tract acts like a big long tube, and a little lube goes a long way!



So slippery elm bark is great, and because this is an organic herb, it will be a little bit different from batch to batch, from season to season. That is normal. So if you find that your Essiac is more slippery than usual or even a little bit less slippery than usual, those are all within reasonable variation. We use some Essiac ourselves from each and every batch, and we also test each and every batch. We never send anything out the door that doesn't meet quality standards.

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Essiac tea testimonial for lupus


Then when you leave the tea in the fridge, we have you steep this and we have you do it for twelve hours out in room temperature, and then it goes into the fridge. Part of why we have you make it in such a large batch is that it can gel and get a little bit slipperier as sits.


3 oz. cup of Essiac next to two packets of powdered herbs


Be sure to take a big wooden and spoon and stir your pitcher when it's time to pour out your Essiac servings. This will make sure to disperse that slippery Essiac substance as much as you can so that when you go to drink it, a little bit of each and every herb will get into your body. And that way you won't miss out on any of the amazing benefits to be had!


Yes! I'd Like to Order a Supply of Genuine Essiac Tea Today

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!

6 month supply of Essiac tea


buy essiac tea


Click to purchase Essiac today. All orders ship free to anywhere in the US.


All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.



Related Pages

Learn why Essiac tea taste and texture can change when it's stored in the refrigerator

Learn how to change the taste of Essiac tea if desired 

Learn how to take Essiac tea


  • Hi Harry,

    Yes, we do ship to Russia.


  • Can this tea be shipped to Russia?

  • Hi Neil,

    I am sorry to hear about your health. Yes, we have many success stories with melanoma. You can check out our testimonials page, and the conditions are listed in alphabetical order. https://genuineessiac.com/pages/essiac-tea-testimonials


  • Have you any testimonials from people with melanoma skin cancer. I am stage 4 with 15-20 tumours between my sacrum and my neck. Will order anyway for general good health reasons but it would be good to hear of any successes with melanoma. Thank you! Neil

  • Hi Conchita,

    The pills don’t work the same, no. The boiling process is what is required to fully release the medicinal value into the tea.



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