The good news is that you don't need to change your diet or take other supplements while using Essiac Tea.
Essiac is designed to be a stand-alone product. In fact, our Money Back Results Guarantee is for Essiac taken alone, it doesn't require that anything else be taken or done. Read More about our Industry-Exclusive Money Back Guarantee
Eating Healthy is Always a Good Idea
Of course, eating healthy is already good idea, and you may have other supplements you wish to take. Great! You may do that. It's just that it's not required. It's up to you.
With Essiac tea, you don't need to take anything else if you don't want to
With many other alternative products, there is a laundry list of other supplements you will be asked to take at the same time. It's hard to know which is working and which is not - plus, it gets time consuming and expensive! This is not the case with Essiac Tea. Because Essiac already contains 8 different herbs, it is covering so many bases in your body in terms of supporting various systems. It really can be a one stop shop! Essiac also contains valuable plant fiber which can help your overall health. You can learn more about how the 8 different plants in Essiac tea help your health here.
➡️ Click here to purchase your own supply of Genuine Essiac™ right now, while it's on Sale

With Essiac tea, there is no particular advantage to one diet over another
In addition, many supplements call for a specific diet. If you can't follow the diet, then the supplement won't work. Again, this is not required with Essiac! We know of so many customers who have changed or improved their diet and some who left it the way it was. We haven't observed any difference in outcome from one to the next. The track record for the Essiac results seems to be the same either way.
Now, that said, we do encouarge you to eat healthy! It can only help. We all know those folks who just won't change their diet no matter what, so it's good to know Essiac Tea can still be an option for them. We hope you are relieved to know that there is no specific diet that Essiac tea requires.
Order Your Own Supply of Genuine Essiac Tea Right Now, While it's on Sale
Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.
It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!

Click to purchase Essiac right now, while it's on Sale.
All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.
This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.