17 Years Later, Still Free of Colon Cancer: Video
Hello, friends.
I wanna share my experience with my colon cancer and Essiac tea.
At the age of 49, August of 2007, I started with a stomach pain. And when I didn't get any relief, I went to the emergency room. They took a MRI.
After they took the MRI, they discovered that my colon was completely grown shut with a tumor. So they did surgery, took out twelve inches of my colon.
And after the surgery in the recovery room, I just felt so much like I probably won't live much longer.
And so, thinking about that and thinking about leaving my wife and nine children was difficult, and yet I had such a peace to be able to go home to my eternal home and be with Jesus.
Well, after surgery, they wanted to do their radiation, the chemo, what they normally things they normally do.
But my wife and I discussed, and we decided to try the Genuine Essiac tea instead.
Well, here it is almost 17 years later, and I'm still completely cancer free.
When I was 9 years old, I had the difficulty of losing my father to colon cancer.
And, right now, I'm taking the Essiac tea as just a maintenance.
I appreciate what it has done for me, and I highly recommend the Essiac tea.
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