From Stage 4 Cancer to a Perfectly Healthy Cat: An Essiac Story
As luck would have it, a couple of years ago we found ourselves needing to use our own product on Maggie, our beloved 8 year old cat. She is normally full of life and vigor, but she hadn't been acting herself and was having trouble keeping food down. So, we brought her to the vet, as you do. Unfortunately, the news was unexpected and devestating.
Much to our dismay, Maggie was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was given only 1-2 months to live - if she took prednolosone. If she didn't take the medication she was given less than that. We were heartbroken. Chemo was offered but the vet said that would only give us about 6 months if we were lucky, and we didn't want to put her through that.

Maggie's Health Before Essiac Tea: January of 2022

Our Essiac Tea Journey with Our Cat Began
We started Maggie on the prednolosone right away as we were told that would help keep her comfortable and give us enough time to say goodbye. We immediately began giving her Essiac Tea twice per day. We followed the dosing chart by weight that is here. Because she's little, she gets only 7 mL twice a day.
We first tried giving her Essiac in broth. It took a bit of experimenting, but she preferred the tuna from Wild Planet that we first got at Whole Foods. That was the only broth that got her to take the Essiac consistently. We added the broth from one packet to the 7 mL of Essiac. We ate a lot of tuna at that time. 😂
Keep in mind, with pets you don't need to give cats the sediment in the Essiac like you do with people. You can just give the tea, so don't shake or stir the serving because you can allow the herbs to float to the bottom and not use them when it's for cats or dogs.
We Changed Course to Continue to Administer Essiac to Our Cat
After awhile, she lost interest in the broth. We changed gears and began giving her Essiac by syringe. At first it seemed easier to do this with two people, but now we have developed our technique to where we can easily do it with one person. We swadle her with a big towel and have the syringe at the ready. Once she is contained, we tilt her head back a little bit (don't overtilt) and slowly pour the tea in. If she is resistent to swallowing that day, stroking her throat helps. It's such a routine now for us that she doesn't run away after we have given it to her. She doesn't love it, but she doesn't give us trouble either.
A year after her cancer diagnosis we brought her back to the vet for a check up. The vet declared there was no sign of cancer at all! Prior to the cancer diagnosis Maggie had been having trouble keeping food down and had become listless. She has kept every speck of food down since we started her on the prednolosone as well as the Essiac. We have moved down to one serving of Essiac per day now that she is cancer free and showng no signs of distress.
➡️ Click here to order pet-friendly sized Genuine Essiac™ tea right now, while it's on Sale
March of 2023 After Essiac (the vet said that it seemed her cancer was gone back in July, but a repeat image wasn't done until now)

Looking to the Future with Our Girl
We are meeting with the vet again this month and will consider taking her off the prednolosone if the vet feels that is warrented. We were told it was OK to leave her on it for life, but we would prefer to keep her medication free moving forward if possible.
We will continue providing Essiac Tea to her. We call her our miracle kitty, even though this outcome to be honest is expected by us with what we have seen with Essiac Tea. We are greatful for every extra day we have had with her. We have confidence that the Essiac Tea was what made the difference for her. The doctor said she would have only a 1% chance of living more than 1-2 months even with the prednolosone. Yet, it's already been 8 months and she is happy and healthy and still here 😊 Our Maggie has defeated the odds, and we hope your pet is next!
🐈 Check out our Pet page to learn how much Essiac to give to your furry friend.

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All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.
This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.
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Learn the ins and outs of giving Essiac tea to pets
I am sorry to hear about your dog’s health issues. Essiac should be the best for him. You can follow these instructions for the amount to give based on weight:
You can give him tea from the same supply as yours! No need to make a special batch. The both of you will go through about a gallon every week and a half.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
I have an eleven yr old English lab who has a fatty tumor on his side the size of a small cantaloupe.
Surgery for him is not an option for me because of his age. It is behind his left front leg. My vet says as long as it doesn’t impede his walking, which it doesn’t, not to worry about it but I do. I would like to start him on Essiac tea to see if we can shrink it. Otherwise for his age, he is a healthy 70 lb dog.
How much do I order and how much tea do I give him per day. I have just started on Essiac tea myself!
Hi Amber,
Yes, it’s OK to give a cat the tea with the sediment in it. Yes, it normally works faster for people than for animals.
Hi. Is it okay to give a cat the tea with the sediment in it? Or is that a risk for aspirating? Does this normally work faster in animals than humans? Thanks
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your message, and we are so sorry to hear that your cat is sick. We suggest sticking with the guidelines we have listed on the site for your animal based on weight.