Video: Learn How Long it Takes for Essiac Tea to Work
Gina Paulhus here with I just want to take a moment and explain to you the important of giving Essiac it's time before you decide whether or not it's going to work for you. If you were to take some ibuprofen for a headache, for example, you would know that it would take about a half an hour to start working. If you were to take some turmeric, which is a more natural option, obviously, you would need to take it maybe for a month or two to know if it's helping you, you would need to be consistent with that.
So Essiac's time table is a little bit different. It's going to take about four and a half to six months for the average person to feel different as well as for their test results to have changed. Now that's an average. It doesn't mean that you're going to definitely have to wait that long, but it certainly doesn't mean that you should be making a decision prior to that.
So it's been one month or two months - that's far too soon for this particular product and what it's doing. Essiac is a long slow detox. It does the job and it does the job well. But like lots of things in life, when something is done really well and right, it takes longer.
And you need to be a little bit patient and you need to hang there. But I can promise you that if you do that, you will benefit greatly, and we do cover everybody under our 6 Month Results Guarantee that if you hang in there and wait the six months, you're going to receive your money back if you don't feel better. So hopefully that Guarantee will give you confidence that you need to give Essiac a fair try. Like I said, I promise you won't be disappointed.
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