Video: What Type of Essiac Packaging Should I Order?
Gina Paulhus here with I'm here today to help you figure out what type of essiac order you should place. So we have two basic collections. The first is the value collection which is what the vast majority of people are going to use that.
And then we have the mini packets which are less common but some people do need those as well. So the value collection is going to have your four ounce packets which are the perfect amount to make one gallon of essiac which again 80 plus percent of people, maybe 90% or more are going to be making that gallon at a time. Those are going to be the folks that are taking the essiac three ounces three times per day. Now the value collection also has larger bulk bags that are one pound bags.
Those are going to require a kitchen scale and you will have to weigh out your four ounces or 113 grams of herbs if you look at the metric system. But you're going to have to weigh those out and so those bags are used at times, but those are not nearly as popular as our convenient four ounce packets and we have the four ounce packets available in either the 13 4 ounce packet size or the four four ounce package size. So the 13 four ounce packet size will last you six months for the, again, the average person and the four four ounce will last you two months. And the other thing is because when you are a new user especially we do not recommend that you take breaks we want you to take at least six months continuously of the herbs.
So by getting the 13 4 ounce packet order you won't worry about running out and you will not have a lapse of taking your essiac so that is our most popular order size. You also will save a bit of money by getting the 13 packets and we even throw in an extra bag for free for you. So what about the one ounce packets - when are those purchased? Well those are good if you have small pets pets under 85 pounds or small children that are taking the tea.
The other instance that they can be handy is if you're actually just taking the essiac twice per day rather than the three ounces three times per day that most people are going to take. There are some that back off to the twice per day and if you're in that camp then you might do better with the one ounce packets just because you won't quite need a gallon of tea every single time you go to make it and we have the one ounce packets available in 18 one ounce as well as the 35 one ounce so once again you will save a bit of money by getting the 35 one ounce. And as far as freshness goes the 35 one ounce you'll still use that well within the two years that your herbs will stay good from date of purchase so no worries about them going bad.
You can feel free to purchase whatever quantity suits you best.
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