Video: The Green Nurse Podcast - featuring Bryan Paulhus owner of Genuine Essiac Tea
Welcome to the Green Nurse podcast where we bring hope and inspiration for growth and healing. We're here to change the dialogue and stigma around what it means to feel good or be high. Hence, the h for hope, I for inspiration, g for growth, and h for healing. You deserve to feel good. We all deserve to feel good. And before we get started on our show, I have a little video to share with you all, and it has to do about what we do in this space as cannabis nurses, and then we're gonna get into the amazing show today with Bryan Paulhus.
Change the paradigm of health care.
The Green Nurse is a holistic cannabis nurse that teaches on the endocannabinoid system and the safe utilization of cannabis and other progressive tools to help people reach a better quality of life.
I'm the founder of Holistic Caring. We're based here in California, and we do educational programs and case management for patients on how to use cannabis therapeutically as a medicine.
We're also here to decrease stigma around what it means to feel good and be high.
Hence, the h for hope, I for inspiration, g for growth, and h for healing. As the founder of Holistic Caring, I basically over oversee the the whole ship, and what we're doing is, progressive education.
Cannabis actually supports all eleven organ systems, our immune system, and all the neurotransmitter signaling systems that give messages to tell our body to either do something or not do something. Because the plant was prohibited, it prevented health professionals, doctors, and nurses from learning about cannabis as medicine.
I wanna change the paradigm of healthcare and us paving the way into a new vanguard of medicine.
It's about education. It's about empowerment. It's about teaching people how to feel good, bridging the gap from what they're not getting from traditional medicine, utilizing different plant medicines, adaptogens, tips, tricks, hugs, and nugs of information to support and nourish the most important system in our body.
And it's a lot of soul work, a lot of love, a lot of discipline, and meditation. I'm using my life work as a testimony to others to learn how they can be their own hero and then go help heal the world.
And we are, as nurses, the game changers.
Okay. Growing in health, growing in cannabis, growing in easy act tea. Hey, everybody. My name is Sherry Mack, and I'm the chief nursing officer and cofounder of Holistic Caring and The Green Nurse and vice president of nursing at Bloomham CBD.
I'm a cannabis nurse, cannabis patient, advocate, avocast, and a very passionate podcaster here to change the paradigm of health care. And I'm really excited to announce that this is my eighth year podcasting The Green Nurse Living Your Best Life. I started podcasting in two thousand and eighteen when the National Council of State Boards of Nursing came out with their guidelines that all nurses must have six essential areas of knowledge when it comes to cannabis as medicine. I started podcasting to share compelling stories of healing and to decrease stigma since I too use cannabis as medicine.
But before we get started on our very exciting show, we do have a message from our sponsors. I have to pull up our sponsors. The show wouldn't be possible without them. And a big thank you to Bloom Hemp CBD.
Bloom Hemp is a woman and nurse owned national CBD supplier leading with quality, safety, and value in patient centered care. Bloomhemp products are USDA organic CBD hemp grown in the mountains of Colorado and tested for purity, potency, and cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Bloomhemp is proud to offer a free nurse line to answer questions, explain how and why CBD works in the body. Thank you so much to bloom hemp dot com.
Now we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes. So cannabis nursing, as you all know, has been recognized as a specialty, and nurses are truly making an impact on advocating for the safe therapeutic use of cannabis by teaching on the endocannabinoid system and how to optimize cannabis and CBD as a medicine for health, healing, and wellness purposes.
As plant medicine nurses, our role extends beyond recommending cannabis and hemp products, and we strive to provide alternative solutions for multiple modalities, including herbals, herbal supplements that may support and nourish the endocannabinoid system promoting health, healing, and overall wellness. And that brings me in to introduce our guest today. Today, we are joined by Bryan Paulhus, the owner of Genuine Essiac.
With decades of experience since 1986, Bryan has was trained by the very physician who collaborated with a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse to conduct groundbreaking research on Essiac tea.
Essiac tea is an eight herbal blend with a rich history and is widely known for its potential benefits in detoxification, immune support, and overall wellness.
While research continues to evolve, many of the key ingredients are packed with bioactive compounds that may influence the endocannabinoid system through immune system modulation, anti inflammatory effects, and antioxidant properties.
Very excited to welcome Bryan to the show. Welcome, Bryan. Thank you for being on here. Really excited to get into the the questions on Essiac tea.
I just, I this is right up my alley, what you guys are doing. I'm I'm a big believer in cannabis. Like, I think it's, it's one of the things that the stigma the stigma of all these years, they're discovering that it's just the opposite, that that we have things that are made by God, our our basically, our bodies are designed for this intake.
And, you know, well, I'll just start with that and let you take it from there.
So Yes.
I mean, it it is so true. I mean, I you know, when I found myself on the other side of the bed back in 2012, sick and suffering on 18 pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals. I'll tell you what, I was not a happy camper, and no one told me about cannabis as medicine. No me no one told me about anything. It was just one pill and one procedure after another until it was a 70 year old nurse that introduced me to cannabis and her and it was and and, again, nursing is the most trusted profession for 23 years in a row. This was a 70 year old nurse who came to my house and said to me, Sherry, get with the program. You know, cannabis has been legal in Massachusetts since 2012.
You know, you you know, I'm I'm hoping that it's gonna be legal, recreationally soon. You know? So she literally opened up my eyes, and she disclosed to me that her father was a pharmacist.
And back in hit in his heyday, back in the 1920s, he carried cannabis formulations in his pharmacy and that she had been using cannabis as as a medicine every day since the age of seventeen. So when I was sick and suffering and on all those pharmaceuticals, I had to take a look at that. But today's show, we really wanna talk about other things. So as cannabis and plant medicine nurses, it's really truly about nourishing the endocannabinoid system, optimizing how we can naturally influence this system for health, wellness, and healing.
And oftentimes, you know, patients, you know, like I say, health care is is not what it used to be, and it's really it's become a sick. It's the sick care industry. And so a lot of patients and people are taking their health into their own hands and really truly trying to learn about all of these different plants and modalities that exist out in the world today to help them truly live their best lives and stay out of the hospital as much as possible. I'm not anti pharma.
I'm not anti vaxx. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm all about informed use and using things appropriately when you need to use them.
Yes. I couldn't agree more. I think it we're we're coming from the same background. I was not, you know, I first found out about what we have, which is medicinal plants, and I laughed at it.
I was taught like everyone else. You need traditional medicine and to think that a bag of herbs could do anything productive. And I I was totally ignorant. I had no I I was actually raised without any sort of religion, so I didn't even realize the concept that God could create medicinal herbs.
I didn't realize that our bodies were designed the endocannabinoid system is designed by God. This is this this is part of the the the design of nature and God to create these things. So what what what we've seen in the last, maybe, let's say, fifteen years has been an an incredible awakening of the fact that these plants are designed by God to be utilized, whereas, you know, people have always thought there'd be some level of abuse or something.
Everything on the planet has a level of use or abuse. If you take my stuff to excess, it's abusive. But the wonderful thing is I've seen I've seen cannabis. I've seen what it's done for people. I've seen it for people in my family, and I've seen how in conjunction, Essiac does the same.
Well, it kind of enhances it. Essentially, it's reducing inflammation.
Also, what it's doing is taking your digestion and your digestive system and anything you put into your body, cleaning out your body so you can really absorb what you're taking better. So you've got, the, the enhancement just by the the the lessening of the inflammation, less toxins, and now the intake of these medicinal herbs is just, you know, just enhanced that much more.
But what people have but I purse I've I've used cannabis. I've I've I've had some trouble. And I was, you know, at first, I was raised in that conservative, and then I just was like, okay. We'll give this a try.
And I had sciatic issues, and that was my enlightenment, and it worked. And I had headaches, and it worked. And I was like, oh my goodness. This is incredible.
But for all of these decades, it was denied. And to think the tragedy that so many people have been denied this over the years, and it's just now getting to the point where people are starting to say, wow. They're they're not only, you know it's not only is it not bad, it's a - it's a spectacular solution to so many things that people are suffering from.
Yep. I I completely agree with you. So let's dig in to the history of Essiac tea. For the new views or viewers that don't know what it is, well, first of all, what is essiac tea, and what are the origins of the history of Essiac?
Okay. Essiac tea is a combination of eight medicinal herbs, all of which have anti nausea, antitumor, anticancer properties. They help with digestion, help with elimination of toxins in the body. It's just everything that, really, when you look at this, although it has a lot of these properties, the primary thing is it's cleaning out your digestive tract.
And what you'll find is a lot of there are a lot of things out there that you take that claim to be really good at dealing with, cleaning out your digestive tract. And you'll take them for maybe a week or so, go to the bathroom, like, fifty times, and think, I really did what I needed to do to clean my body out. Right. Well, essentially, what you've done is taken the easy bulk layer of of toxins off of your digestive tract.
It's kind of - it's comparable to cooking eggs and burning the eggs, but you could take the spatula and just remove 95% of the eggs. But that burnt on mess that's on the pan, that's the hard to clean part. Essentially, esiac is something that these herbs get the hard to clean part at the end to finish the job. Kind of like, you know, steel wool is is it it gets, you know, your your pan clean.
So I'm gonna say something really gross. But is it like so it's like cleaning your crusty colon?
Well, it's funny because pretty much. Like I use that analogy all the time because everyone thinks if they go to the bathroom all all day, they're like, I got rid of all my toxins.
You've gotten rid of the heavily of the the bulk easily available toxins, but it has to be done to completion because you need a pristine digestive tract to stop the inflow from the intestinal walls into the bloodstream of toxins. So until you do it to completion, it's really it's it's a process that's gonna be you you'll kinda deceive yourself thinking you've completed it. But if you take essiac, because it's a more moderate thing that can be sustained every single day, taken three times a day, it's like a scrub brush going through your intestines three times a day. And over the course of several months, that last stuck on layer, it eventually gets cleared off. And in that, you know, that the beauty of that is you mentioned, you know, the systems of the body, digestion, the endocannabinoid.
Everything is is enhanced because everything that enters into the body is digested by a pure filtering system. So that is what Essiac is. And so you clean up the blood, what happens next? Everything thrives.
Your immune system thrives. Your digestion of nutrients thrives. Every, you know, supplement medicine that you're taking, it is is really absorbing at a higher efficiency rate. So that's what Essiac is.
Now how did it come to be? Yes. This is really what, this is really an interesting story. A nurse in 1922 was doing her rounds, and she she noticed one of her patients had a a lesion on her breast and asked about it.
And she said, well, it was 20 years before, they were unsuccessful treating her breast cancer. And so she opted to go to an Ojibwe Indian medicine man and got this four herb formula that was used and it basically it basically emitted the tumor through the skin and left a little lesion as the end result. So that that's why it was noticed. That's what started the the discussion.
So the nurse, her name is Reine Case, r e n e, Case is c a I s s e. It's a French last name. It's called Essiac because her name spelled backwards is Essiac. That's how it begin.
So she wrote down these four herbs, put the the the note in a drawer, and did nothing for two years. And then two years later, her aunt developed cancer.
And she said, I've got these four herbs. I might as well try it on her. And it worked. And she's like, oh my goodness.
We've got something here. So she started a clinic in Ontario in which people would start, you know, slowly coming and get to gain popularity. And for decades, she practiced at this clinic, and people came to her from all over the world, not just Canada.
And the the results were so extraordinary, it came up for a vote by the Canadian government after people people petitioned to, you know, see if they could approve this as a means of treatment. It failed by three votes.
And, you know, very close.
At that moment, she had nowhere to go with this. And that's when she was invited down here to Massachusetts right near us where they had a a great, one of the one of the people that spearheaded herbal medicine and and research was actually president Kennedy's personal physician, doctor Charles Brusch. He was working here in Massachusetts down the road about 25 miles. His research center dealt with cancer and everything else.
So she came down at the invite of Dr. Brusch and spent eight years taking that original four herb formula and working with a team of eighteen physicians, first establishing safety levels. You know, how much of each herb could you use to have no side effects, no, you know, you know, issues or any anything like that. So they they safe medicinal levels. That was their starting point.
And then they also researched how well this four herb original formula worked.
And, of course, being a research center, that was their baseline. They started there, and then they started the fun part, which was taking that four herb formula that they now knew had a certain efficiency rate and effectiveness rate, excuse me, and then trying different other herbs that were tested for their potential. And as each herb showed some potential, the bad ones were eliminated, the good ones were included. They tried, you know, over the course of eight years with with eighteen physicians working on this.
They eventually combined the ones that had the most promise, tweaked it, added, and tweaked over time. And at the end of the process, they had a formula with eight herbs instead of four herbs. It still had the original core, four herbs. So you're not getting anything different necessarily.
You're just getting the same plus the additional herbs. So the eight the eight herb formula isn't different in the sense of you're abandoning the original four herbs. They're still at the core of it. It's just that you've got the additional, herbs that make it much more effective.
So that's what we have here.
We started this I started this in 1986. I was twenty one years old.
I was my mother's boyfriend's mother had passed away from pancreatic cancer.
And so he was a fisherman, and he went to the fish market one day. And the people at the fish market heard that she had passed away, and they just had this offhanded mention about, we wish we had known about this because there's a stuff called Essiac tea at this fish market that we think, you know, could have helped. I'll get to the reason it's at fish market in the first place a little bit down the road. But we we came home well, he came home and talked to us, and we knew several people that had cancer. So we told them, well, for what it's worth to have these herbs at a fish market, you might wanna go to the fish market and go try it, these these people that we knew. So about seven or eight months later, we ran into both of them, and they were both in remission.
Shocking to us. We're like, oh my god. So what did they do? They told everyone, and we told everyone.
So then it it just continued. So everyone in the in the region started going to this fish market. So why did the fish market have the Esiak tea? Well, this man had another fish market twenty five miles south of there in Cambridge, Massachusetts, right next to the research lab where it was being developed.
So when the doctor and the nurse came in, they became good friends. And that's how it ended up at at a fish market. So, again, we find out about this, and so now the whole region is starting to take interest in it. And this fish market still is primarily a fish market.
And they asked our family, they're like, do you think you could probably, help us out here and do it out of your home?
Because we're we're trying to run the business. So we we ended up doing that, and it looked like a drug ring. We because it looked we had Ziploc bags of and people come at all hours of the day, and we hand them to them, and they'd come and go. But it became so popular, it became unmanageable.
And that eventually was kind of, transformed into a monthly cancer support group that we did. And we did that for several years, and that was until the early nineties when a couple of the people in the group were affiliated with a TV station in New Hampshire that had a talk show.
And, when they went into remission, the the talk show took a great interest, and they had my mother and a lot of the people in the crowd were were from this group and the panel. And it was a very primitive thing because they just asked questions. Did you have cancer?
Yes. I did. Did you take conventional treatment? No. I didn't. Do you have cancer now?
If you can imagine these old New Englanders, just it's just a different time. Nope. Didn't take anything. And then they go to another. And it was very unspectacular, and we were very naive because we thought it was cool to see mom on TV.
Mhmm. But we're so naive, we didn't project ahead about what this could be as far as the influence to be on TV. So this was just a support group with no distribution. Just, you know.
So after the after the TV show, they informed us that there were1500 people that wanted it the next day, and we were in a panic because we just didn't have it. We didn't know how to make it. So I had to urgently meet, with Dr. Brusch, again, President Kennedy's physician, the man that did all the research.
And he, in a hurry, think he's a great guy. He just took me, got me the machines.
I was capable of lifting the heavy bags to do it in mass quantities. I thought I'd have a job for the summer, and that was, you know, that was it. I didn't think in it. I didn't think ahead.
And then every time someone got well, kept getting mail or no Internet mail orders and kept growing, and I just kept making more and more of the stuff than we went online. And so by complete dumb luck, here I am, you know, almost 40 years later. Wow. And it's just been the strangest thing because I never would have predicted a a life of this, and it's certainly I wouldn't call it even close to a passion or anything. It was just a stumbling in a direction and then drawn into it. And and and so I feel, the initial intimidation.
What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say? Because this is the most important thing you can offer someone. It's still lie their their lives are being threatened.
So this is something we take very serious very seriously, and we try to support with every means possible, whether it be email or personal, you know, support lines. But in the end, being it wasn't by choice, but I got comfortable knowing that we have the best offer there is, the best thing to offer.
We do something unusual here. We take care of everyone regardless regardless of financial circumstances. We work with everyone.
We we have a six month money back guarantee.
You know, years ago, I had an identical twin brother who passed away from ALS, and we spent 30,000 dollars on people that just promised the world and gave us nothing. And I watched him die with a lot of anxiety for we we had anxiety because of that. So due to his blurting out one day about this should never happen again, twenty years ago, we started something that's never been heard of. We this is what we say it is.
And if it is, we should be able to walk the walk. So for 20 years, we've had a policy where if this doesn't improve your your cancer, your health, whatever you're dealing with, you get every dime back. We can't make a dime unless it works because there are so many people preying on the needy. But it also is a reflection of the consistency.
If we can do that, that means it's actually working at a high degree because even moderate failure would mean devastation from a business perspective.
But seeing that impact kind of enlightened me for what you have. That's what made me entertain, you know, trying the the something that used to have a stigma, and and it's unbelievable that it ever did to have cannabis have a stigma and to get the experience that I used to have headaches at the base of my skull.
And because my what I initially mocked is that plants can actually work years ago. Here I am immersed in this, and here I am entertaining this and getting the benefit. And so our research scientist is, we have a person doing research on DNA and Essiac. He's one of the first people.
He's like, you realize the endocannabinoid system is meant for, you know, for for the treatment of a body and the health of the well-being. And this works well with Essiac. He's like, because it's actually all meant to heal, and it's meant to be transferred. And bodies are your consciousness in your body.
You're supposed to feel good and actually be healthy. And he he says to me, that's why it's working for you because you take the essiac and you're getting the enhanced, you know, impact. And I was like, this I felt great.
So, yeah, plants are amazing.
And it supports, and that's what I love too. And I really you know, I've been on your products now since, I think, November. And I've been in your Facebook groups and been paying attention, etc., etc.
And it's just phenomenal how that this can work with other modalities. You don't have to stop your other modalities. It's an integrated approach, and that's and I and and and how you can take it with other pharmaceuticals, you can take it with other treatments. It's a complimentary, and it works.
I've been actually very blown away by it. You know, I've I've I've I learned about it years ago, but kinda put it on the back burner because I was doing other things. And then, of course, when you're you know, health crises come up and challenges come up, you know, my partner had a a COVID-19 vaccine injury. And so we've had to deal with that and doing a lot of detoxification, and so we put her on it. And we're we're seeing really, really, really good results.
I know.
We have a group in Israel.
They they contacted me just before the October 7th, a few months before, And they started using it in their clinic for vaccine injured and people with COVID.
And, unfortunately, I haven't talked to them a little over a year. But as of last check, they were still having great results, Haven't had official research. This is just our discussions.
So it's it's surprised me at times. At times, it's disappointed me, though. You know, there are times when Essiac has its limitations like anything. There are certain neurological aspects of it that are you're not gonna be successful. It's not a cure all for everything type of thing they wanna say. It is actually treatment that does wonders for certain things that are inflammation based or toxicity based.
But there are other things, you know, it is That's what I was gonna ask you.
What are the top conditions that people come to you for for Essiac?
Well, it's - I know cancer is one of those.
Yeah. Cancer is the primary thing, but diabetes - type 2 diabetes. Because, essentially, when you clean out the digestive tract, it cleans out the blood. And when you clean out the blood, now you take the tox toxic elements that are flowing into the liver and the pancreas, and they are no longer, you know, basically clogging up the function.
And they have a kind of a communication with blood sugar. They both have to be operating. In in a clean bloodstream, they operate in, you know, as they're designed to, as God designed them to. So blood sugar but we've had we had a study on DNA, done in 2023, in which we had, we we had x-ray technicians that had a low dose exposure to radiation, which is, believe or not, more harmful than a high flash.
It's low dose over time. And they had their blood drawn, and they assessed their DNA and and and cholesterol and everything. And then they gave them the Essiac tea, and everyone in the study had between a 33-50% percent reduction in their DNA damage in their body. It reversed DNA damage.
So it's got essentially, that's why it's why, you know, the guy that met me is like, you look young for a reason. I don't know if you know that. He says, you know, it's because you're you're taking something that actually reverses it. We first started with mice studies that we presented in Canada.
But, again, the other surprise is everyone in the group had lower cholesterol, and other people are taking this for their blood pressure.
Those are, you know, the primary things. And autoimmune conditions, my wife in late 2007 before we went to a trip to Florida, developed lupus, and it was horrific. Digestive issues, emergency surgeries, real trouble from early late 2007 through 2013 ish.
Really, Essiac was something that she dabbled in, but it was my it was my family, but she tried it. And and she's just doing she's made dietary changes. It's not just just the Essiac, but she has none of the symptoms. And it was a horrible thing for us for several years and many trips to the emergency room. So but I don't know what the limitations are as far as, like, all autoimmune. It helped her with that. But, there are several others and people ask me, and I don't always know for sure, to be honest.
Yeah. Well, it just seems that, you know, just like if it modulates the endocannabinoid system in such a way. Right? So, you know, the research that I did, you know, for anti inflammatory support, so some compounds in the herbs may inhibit inflammation, which is partially regulated by the CB2 receptors that we have in the immune system. The antioxidant activity reducing oxidative stress can help preserve endocannabinoid function and protect CB1 and CB2 receptors that we produce upon demand.
That I have to interject there. It does that the oxidative stress, there are studies, but I see, like, in oxidative stress and reducing that, the what is it?
The, ROS or what what are they called?
Reactive oxygen species. Species.
Yes. Yes. And and how the improvement in that, that that's actually what is Essiac. And two studies has been found to do, and some strange things happen as a result.
People's hair start to if you if you probably seen on the group, it's grown in thicker and darker. There's a gentleman about a month ago that had that post and several others. So there are some weird things that go on there, but, essentially, what happens there is the, the the the plug - the plugs that clog the hair follicles, Since Essiac is eliminating everything from the body, the first available exit for that plug is out of the body and the the little wispy start to grow again. So it's weird, but I've seen happen over the years.
It's bizarre at times.
Wow. That's just fascinating. And then the other thing too that I learned about Esiac tea and immune modulation. So some of the ingredients, some of the herbs can regulate the immune response, which also activates and impacts the CB2 receptor system.
Yes. It does.
Right? And then the gut health and the microbiomes support is huge since the gut microbiome influences endocannabinoid production. Right? It's that's key.
We produce internal endogenous cannabinoids upon demand. Essiac tea's gut supporting properties may indirectly support endocannabinoid system function and help us to produce more of our own internal endogenous cannabinoids appropriately Exactly. Which is key. Right?
And so and that's key for patients that, in particular, that need to use cannabis as medicine but don't wanna be using high doses. So combining cannabinoids with Essiac tea, this is kind of where I'm going with a lot of the patients that are coming to us. Yeah.
And they all work together. And it's really you know, I I think if I would have taken, you know, CBD without the the the Essiac, I I only in theory, I I'd assume I would have had a lesser impact, but I don't know. I never did that. But the fact that the fact that matters, something like slippery elm is is is really digestively helping to enhance CBD to work. It is soothing. It it does all sorts of things digestively so that, you know, if you look obviously, you've got you've seen some of these this research.
It's amazing some of the digestive things that go on, not just the elimination of toxins, but the ability to to reduce inflammation and enhance digestion and soothe the the digestive tract.
They're you know, I never - and then, like, for our viewers that are new, okay, this is something that a lot of people don't know, our enteric nervous system runs from our mouth to our butt, communicates to our central nervous system via the endocannabinoid system. So you can just imagine that I didn't know that.
Yes. Isn't that fascinating?
Fast anything I've heard in a while. Wow.
So that's that's that's that's a wow for me as well because Wow.
So that gut health improving gut health can also improve our brain function Yeah.
And how we think and how we feel and how we modulate the stress response.
I'm gonna steal that one, by the way. I'm gonna I'm gonna throw that around.
I'll sound smart at parties now, but that's that's that's Right? It really is. All joking aside, that's massive.
It is.
And and body.
And for the viewers that are out there as well, we produce ninety percent of serotonin in our gut. So the healthier the gut, the healthier the serotonin production.
Exactly. And that's why they talk about mental health. They talk about the the correlation between mental health and your gut health. Yeah.
And it's no coincidence. As you start to feel better, as you start to eat better, you start to actually mentally feel have more clarity. You don't it's just but the body is a - it's a complete comprehensive network of everything functioning together. And if you get any of these things either stagnated or interfered with, they run interference, and it's it's the the log jam in the truest sense.
The log jam in the river, and it stops flowing. And if you have that, it kind of spirals.
So enhancing, enhancing kinda opens the doors for more health exponentially. Every time you do something right, it leads to something else, like, that can then work.
So yes.
So for our viewers, we love to hear stories. You know, storytelling is one of my passions. And so what I would love to hear is maybe two of your favorite stories of some success stories that your customers have experienced.
I know there's a lot of them because I see the ads.
You're asking for two?
I know. There's a lot. Your your two favorites. The two that but most stand out.
Okay. What do you think? I have Paul. He's one of our testimonials that you'll see on our site stuff.
The guy long hair?
The long white hair?
We, no. That's that's Jim. Okay. Jim in Alaska sitting in the field. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That's him.
Paul called me up stage 4.
He's 93 years old now. Wow. Pulled me up twenty years ago. Stage 4, very just simple delivery.
Yep. Get stage 4. Well, I'm not gonna do it. Didn't get too wordy.
Just kinda chuckled.
And I've been, you know, for twenty years after stage 4, he's been completely as co as coherent, mobile, healthy as any man you'll ever see.
But, I mean, I just seen so many. I had a woman, this woman, Grace, called me up.
She was stage 4, and it was in her bones, which is a it was a challenge. There's kind of a hierarchy of of treatment, and the bones it's the toughest area. And I said, hey. You've gotta amp it up.
You're just not taking enough. And, honestly, I can't be sure when it's in the bones. It's a tougher challenge. Yeah.
And that's the reality. I said, but it's your best chance. And and Grace called us up, thrilled with that, and she's still doing quite well. And, she's a grandmother and and so on.
But another one, when it hits home, I have a friend who I had worked with for years years ago. I delivered pizza. He was my my manager. Okay?
And then I didn't really see much of him, and then he went to this horrific episode of bladder cancer and treatment. And then he caught up with me later, and he's like, hey. I've got it again. I can't do that again.
And, it was really something because I'm like, yeah. Just take as much as you need. And I hadn't seen him for a few months, and then I got a call on the way back from Mass General Hospital, I think it was.
You know, coming back to the doctor. She's like, you know, Bryan my what? He goes, don't mind my space. Like, that shit really works.
I'm like, yeah. I know. He goes, I just got back from my doctor. He goes, I did nothing with my bladder cancer, and I have nothing nothing right now.
It's been that was probably twelve years ago. And the beautiful thing is he got back in touch with one of the woman that he had a crush on that we used to deliver pizza together. And they got married two years ago, and now they're just, you know, doing great. It's cancer free.
So, you know, it impacts us as well.
Yeah. We've had just so many different interactions, just thousands.
Well, then that leads me to my next question. So how many customers have you served over the years?
It's in the six digits. It's it's, you know, it's just I don't even know. Because Thousands and thousands. We go to clinics all over the world, distributors.
We have a high volume.
I would be so far off if I guessed. I could, you know, don't even know.
Alright. Well, here well, here's a question then for you. How much bigger is your staff now compared from when you started?
You're looking at the old staff.
Yeah. Yeah. You're looking at the guy, you know. But in all seriousness, I was, I did it. And, now, I don't know. Maybe we have 11.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We we've really done a good job of the Henry Ford theory of automation and really taking things, in the role.
But the they're very specific. Essiac is no matter what they tell you. See, people take advantage of people when they're sick. I know.
These herbs are not expensive. So our our whole goal is buy a decent one time volume.
You know, we'll get it about a dollar a day. Our whole thing is since 1986, keep it down because doctor Bruce said keep it down.
And so we've done that. And so for a dollar a day with a complete Money Back Guarantee, that's what we do. We give the the research studies to support it. We'll deal you know? But there's an it's a it's an unregulated industry. So you'll find a lot of misinformation about Essiac and fear mongering meant to drive you away from the truth into more expensive, less effective formulas that may even have more appeal. They might taste better or something, and they'll sell the appeal.
But there's a lot being done wrong with Essiac, and I don't mean to say, oh, we're right and everyone else is wrong. But the fact is it's clearly the truth. We're doing it right, which we we send you something that is the ugliest and least pleasant tasting version of essiac there is. And so how do you know we're not a scam?
Because I'm gonna make a fake version of it. The last thing I'm gonna do is send you something that has murky herbs floating in it and doesn't taste good. But these are the real thing. They are there because of the medicinally most effective things.
And the little things to do, like mix it with some lemon juice, they take care of the whole thing. But they try to drive people saying, you know they make up formulas. They say, try ours. It tastes better.
Well, that would be like saying, you know, an ice cream cone is better than spinach if yeah.
We're trying taste isn't the issue. It's it's the spinach, and it's and we're comparable to that. It's it's less pleasant to drink and much more effective.
Well, I have found over the course of taking Esiak tea myself that everything that my taste buds are more alive, and I'm more sensitive to things, specifically sweetness.
Everything tastes really sweet, so I cannot even tolerate sugar anymore, which is actually good for me. But it's very interesting that my taste buds have my my palate has changed as a result, but in a good way that I am now actually craving healthier foods. And and and things that are sweet are often too sweet. Like, I'm just like, no. That's too sweet. I would prefer so it's really interesting how my palate has changed as a result of this, and my health is actually in other areas has improved as well.
It really does. And that's because your your best way I could put it is when you're compromised with toxins, Yeah. It takes a lot to get through and you're conditioned. So you're not really getting the absorption of things. So it takes a lot more to get the absorption of everything. So everything you need more of, more fats, more sugars to get because you're not getting that filter that's just getting it directly.
So as a result, you get what used to be the hit or satisfactory hit of sugar, and now it's being absorbed so much, it feels like it's too much. Yes. So the you know, the the the toxins run interference for a lot of things and change the way you ingest things. And I honestly believe that's one of the reasons that we're having some obesity issues.
Obviously, not some. A high degree in this country is because that conditioning to satiate the body is you know, our ancestors never consumed these things. So we're consuming stuff that a hundred fifty years ago, they wouldn't imagine. The the food dies.
So now what's happening is they clog up the filters.
They they are literally the things that are interfering with the natural flow and absorption of elimination and absorption of nutrients. Yes. So what do we do? We get it, and we're not quite getting enough because it's clogged.
But we need more. We need more just to get the same to be satiated to the degree we used to be. We have to kinda put more through the system, and we're gaining weight. So as a weight loss thing, there are some people that lose weight, not a lot, to be honest with Esiac.
Some do, but they're driving forces that are bigger sometimes. Some people just like junk food. Yeah. But for those who are in tune like you are, yeah, we've got a lot of people that just, you know, that have really felt the dictating of how they're and respected that. But you you gotta be in tune with it.
And then it also when we go back to endocannabinoid system education and how to nourish it, fast food, fried food, fake food, artificial flavors, artificial coloring, trans fat, hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and alcohol, All of those things when it comes to endocannabinoid system. Right? So so, basically, an Esiac tea, for me, is a way for people to get in eight herbs that they normally wouldn't get into their diet. So your microbiome and your gut need multiple different types of herbs and plants, not just one thing. And so this is just another dietary enhancement to improve overall health as well. So for those people that just, you know, that don't that aren't sick, that, you know, don't have a condition, that just wanna get a better you know, change their palate and eat more. Yeah.
Feel better.
And and it's just really it's simple as this. Whatever you're putting into your body is going to, with essiac tea, have a more pure interaction with your body. Yeah. Just that simple.
Yeah. Makes sense. Okay. So for some of the new viewers that are here, how long does it take for Essiac tea to work? Like, what is your if I'm a new patient, let's just pretend I'm a new person that came to you and said, hey. You know, I've got a I I wanna work on my cholesterol, and I've got an autoimmune, you know, pain disorder. And how how would you recommend them?
Well, because the process is one in which you have to hit a certain threshold of cleansing to get there, it is you know, I always talk about the time frame, time frame, time frame. You know, an aspirin takes twenty five minutes to work. You'd be crazy to think that, you know, ten minutes later after taking it that your headache will be going away because you're familiar with that. If you're familiar with Essiac, this process of cleansing your intestinal tract to its pristine original, like, state of being, four and a half to six months.
Yep. And that's when you've got the resources. Okay. Your blood is now cleaner.
And in a clean bloodstream, that's when your body starts to kick in. Because think about this. You have toxins in your bloodstream.
The immune response is fighting the toxins on the way to the tumor. Right. And these toxins are also encasing the tumor, which is a physical barrier that basically won't allow for the white blood cells to to address the tumor because they can't get in. But even more interesting, the toxins themselves create a little haze, a microenvironment that produce what's produced in that microenvironment is the exact same substance that the defense cells of the tumor live in.
Wow. Yeah. I know. And this is the what the doctor told me years ago is finding out to be true. This is guy in the fifties and sixties telling me this. Then in the eighties, sharing what he learned, and now it's coming through the the microenvironment.
But here's another thing.
Looking at this in terms of, okay, picture almost a sludge sludge of toxins in your in your bloodstream.
Initially, what your body would do would you get a little very finite amount of a toxic element because you weren't eating chemicals.
Your body would address that toxic element by, growing a tumor.
Tumor is an adaptive response, but it's adaptive in a way that it's supposed to be. There's not that much to capture. It's basically a citizen's arrest, like, holding it in place, and then that tumor would send out into the bloodstream a chemical signaling saying, hey. I'm here.
It's like a firearm. All the white blood cells go. They go into the tumor. They invade it.
When you go to the bathroom, you just eliminate it naturally. But what's happening now is we're getting that initial introduction of a toxic element, and it's the the tumor is starting to grow. And before it can really get the signaling out and can be invaded, there's, like, this soft landing of all the soot around it, and it starts to encase it.
So that means that the signaling that's supposed to go out to to direct the white blood cells where the location is, done. Can't get out. So now there's no signaling. So you can have your white blood cells right next to the tumor.
It has no idea that right next right here, I have to go in there. It it that can't do anything about it. And so that's really the biggest thing. It runs interference not only in the physical sense in which it contributes to the thriving of the defense cells of the tumor.
It runs interference because that it like an eggshell, it encases the tumor, which takes the signaling out of the equation. So now what happens? You take Essiac, clean off the intestinal walls, blood is produced over the course of six months that's clean. There's no longer a toxic inflow.
Now you have pristine blood. It's not finding the toxins other way to the tumor. By the time it gets to the tumor, the tumor outer layer is dissipating over time because there's less toxins fall, on it. Eventually, the apoptosis basically kills off the defense cells.
They die off. Now there's direct access to the tumor, and it's done with a nourished immune system because it's being nourished by a clean digestive tract.
So all the above is god intended is working at its fullest potential.
Wow. And that's four and a half to six months to get there. It's not easy because that whole process as you can imagine.
Yeah. But, boy, when it gets there and so people coming desperate to us, it's like, this is the most desperate thing. We are the most desperate contact they have for many of these people in their lives. Their lives are being threatened.
And they're on the phone, and they're talking to me.
And they're scared.
And at first, I'm like, ugh. Yeah. And I I've been blessed with the ability to have had hardship and know what it feels like to be in their position. Yes. And so that's why anyone you know, people say, oh, it's a bad idea to to reduce your price or deal with someone that can't afford it. Well, it's a it's it's a horrible business plan to give it away to someone that can't afford it unless you're telling the truth. So doctor Bruce explained it to me this way.
Yeah. Yeah. If you're giving away something that's crap, it's where you gotta spend it, you gotta ship it, you gotta pay for it, there's animosity when it doesn't work, And you are at the seed doesn't get planted. He goes, but if you're telling the truth, someone's social social security isn't coming in, they need it, we get it to them.
If we aren't telling a lie and we're actually telling the truth, when that person gets well, who do you think is gonna shout from the rooftops? That's right. So we've done that, and we've done that as our it's built it's it's built into the mix. Of course, we make our living when people pay, and part of that living is to take care of those who can't pay. And that's what everyone has to get because availability is more important than anything.
That's it. He said, you've gotta make sure they get it. And if you do that, believe it or not, it'll come back as a great not only for the well-being of the the person taking it, but it'll come back to you because it actually does what what you say it does.
So Yeah.
That's something like that. Phenomenal. That's phenomenal.
So okay.
One of the final questions I have for you here I'm gonna actually just pull up the website.
One of them is, what did you do to grow the company over so much over the years, and what means the most to you in terms of what you offer your customers?
I'm just gonna share the I wanna share the website.
Growing the company. The best way to grow a company is to marry someone smart.
I am telling you the best way to do it is to take your challenge and really look at it objectively. Don't think that you've got this generic thing where everyone says I have to do Facebook or this or that. What you've gotta do is take every creative thought you can have to put the needs of the customers out there and say, how can I get this in its truthful sense to someone and express how this could impact them? Yeah. And so in doing that, we've had to go against the grain. We have done some very unconventional things. Things fail more than you can imagine because everyone flows in the same, you know, area.
It gets saturated.
Sometimes the unconventional approach to go off the beaten path, to stand, and be telling your message from a different direction has been the thing that has made all the difference. Because what we've done has gone from just fact based to really letting our customers tell the story, our testimonials.
We emphasize that, you know, of course, that that we have the guarantee, which is, for what it's worth, a statement that no one's ever done. But they need to know that these are real people. This really happened.
And if you can get that connection of people and facts together in the assurance and the direct access to people that need help right now, so you pick up the phone and you deal with the emails and you cater to them, that's how you grow the company. It's it's the only way to get this so that people actually get connected to it.
Yep. And what I also love too is your website is very, very rich. It's very, very transparent.
You know, you have the order. You have the info, how to use testimonials, benefits, the story, about us, a blog. I'm actually writing a blog on Essiac tea now. I'd love to share it with you. Coupons, contact an Essiac expert, and request a free Genuine Essiac Tea User's Guide. The the website is very robust, very lovely, and I've been taking this and, you know, I'm I'm giving it the green nurse stamp of approval because it's it is really it's it's a very powerful blend. And the research that I have done on it, on all of the eight herbs, I actually researched each of them individually.
They all support and nourish the endocannabinoid system. So this would be so for cannabis users that are out there today, people that are using cannabis as medicine, I implore you to investigate and look into Genuine Essiac tea, honestly.
Because, really, what is it all about?
It is truly about living your best life and helping others do the same It is.
For sure.
So this has been an amazing podcast. I've learned so much.
Really grateful. All of your contact information, your website, I put a couple of little different things. There was that, an amazing story, the little PDF book on, that nurse, Rene. I'm saying her name wrong. Rene Cassie is what I call her.
Everyone does. It's Rene Caisse, but yes.
Rene Caisse. I I've put a I've put a lot of different links there as well. So, please explore Bryan's Genuine Essiac tea. He also has a private Facebook group that I'm a member of, and I love going on there.
And you guys are very active. People ask questions, and you're always on there answering them. And there's a lot of moderators on there. So you're really you're doing great work, and I'm really honored that you were sharing sharing your time and your story with me so I can share it with our viewers.
I can't thank you. I find what you're doing to be so incredibly exciting because, really, people are just starting to realize what you're doing right now, the the impact of the, the endocannabinoid system is at the core of so many things in our body that that it's used it's like the connective healing pathway, for lack of better ways of putting it.
It is. And that's and that's why I'm excited about this tea because this tea can help people lower some of their dosages of cannabis so they can get more therapeutic benefits. They go hand in hand.
A lot of patients, you know, sometimes, you know, end up taking large doses of THC and CBD, and they can be impairing, and it can and so and they and and so to have another tool in the toolbox that actually has therapeutic potential to work on this most important system, The endocannabinoid system is the largest neuro regulatory system in our body. It regulates all eleven organ systems, our immune system, and all the neurotransmitter signaling system that give messages to tell our body to either do something or not doing something. So the more that we can nourish that with natural herbs such as Genuine Essiac tea, the better the cannabis use is gonna be for us overall.
And and again, and the goal of cannabinoid therapeutics is to take the least amount to get the most therapeutic potential below the threshold of not feeling good. Right? There there's therapeutic use of cannabis is the use of cannabis for medicinal, wellness, and healing purposes. It is personal and subjective to each consumer with objective criteria being improvement in one of the five health domains without negatively impacting any of the others.
So my job as a cannabis nurse is to make sure that people are utilizing all the tools they can in the toolbox to have that therapeutic response so they can, again, like I said, my tagline, live their best lives. So, Brian, it has been a pleasure to have you on.
Great talking, Bryan
Yes. It's been amazing. Don't go away. We're just gonna end the show with one of my favorite videos.
And, and then, you know, in the future, you guys will see this, of my blog on Genuine Essiac tea as well as this video circulated through social media. So make sure you all take a quick peek and remember truly what it is all about. It is all about living your best life and helping others do the same, and this is my little ending video.
We're here to educate and empower patients to make choices that are best for them.
We're also here to decrease stigma around what it means to feel good and be high.
Hence, the h for hope, I for inspiration, g for growth, and h for healing.
The Green Nurse is a holistic cannabis nurse that teaches on the endocannabinoid system in the safe utilization of cannabis and other progressive tools to help people reach a better quality of life.
I was cannabis agnostic for many, many years. And, you know, the more research I did, the more I discovered that cannabis is this amazing medicine.
I was told that I had a four stage pancreatic cancer. The doctor really told me you couldn't do anything else. He gave me her name, and she called me, and she came to my house. She start to give me cannabis.
My oncologist was puzzled because they couldn't find the the cancer anymore. All of the learning that we get comes from the Green Nurses, comes from their support, comes from their guidance. I trust everything that she says. Simply meet people where they're at.
The plant doesn't, you know, stress to grow, so we don't stress to share it. We're healing people.
Cannabis has been used as a medicine for tens upon thousands of years. Here's the big message. Cannabis needs to be federally legal. We need to have laws that are the same across all fifty states that allow access to anyone and everyone who wants to utilize this powerful medicine.
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