Video: Learn Why Powdered Herbs are Best When it Comes to Essiac Tea
Gina Paulhus here with I'm here today to help explain to you why powdered herbs are the best way to take Essiac. So just thinking intuitively if you've got a large whole herb and you're boiling the water and brewing that herb, all of the medicinal properties of that herb are not going to really get into the tea the same way it would be if you're dealing with a ground up powder. But let's go a little bit deeper. Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch researched Essiac tea from the years of 1959 through 1967. They were able to test a huge variety of different types of herbs and different even numbers of herbs - some of them may be four herb formulas and others like ours are the eight herb. They were able to determine that the best producing formula was going to be the eight herb formula using the powdered herbs. We use the same suppliers that Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch recommended in the same format of those powdered herbs. So we are giving you the best product that money can buy. If you are using powdered herbs as well you're going to be able to leave those herbs in the tea. So the way it works is once you've brewed it and you've left it out for the 12 hours and then you go to pour it into the pitcher to store in your fridge, the herbs just go right along with the tea. I find that it works best if you can keep an open top pitcher and use a spoon. You're going to stir your mixture with that spoon each and every time you go to pour a serving size. By doing that every single cup is going to have just a little bit of herbs in there. It really won't even be enough to notice much but you're going to find that there won't be any left at the end and that means that all of the herbs made it into your body and they didn't just end up in the trash. Because after all those herbs belong in your body and not in the garbage can.
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