Video: Finding Relief from Hashimoto's While Using Essiac Tea
My father actually told me about Essiac tea. He was taking it for himself. And I thought, well, maybe I'll give it a try. I don't have cancer. I haven't been diagnosed with anything like that. But I have been struggling with Hashimoto's for many years. I developed it after I had my daughter.
It left me extremely fatigued.
Doctors tested all my numbers. They said everything looked good on paper. But I was not feeling well. I was so fatigued, I could barely get up some days.
A lot of times, all I wanted to do was lay down, sit down, not move, which is very difficult to live that way for a long time.
When I started taking Essiac tea, I noticed a difference right away.
I almost couldn't believe how good I felt. And now that I'm six months in, I will never stop taking this tea. I've actually feel alive for the first time in my life. My fatigue is gone.
Any depression I had is gone. It has given me life. I won't even say life back because I've never felt this good before. It has given me new life.
So I can't stop talking about it. I can't stop telling people. It's not just for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It can help anyone with any problem.
So gotta love this tea. Thank you.
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